Tuesday 21 August 2012

Yeah My Blackberry's Fine.

Obvious capitalisation problems aside.

As if by magic on Saturday (18/8/12) the hacking problems that had affected my Blackberry on Friday (17/8/12) suddenly lifted. I like to think of this as my reward for falling in full scale drug addiction. That's because the reality is that on Friday the Brits were f*cking with my Blackberry in order to increase the pressure on me in the hope of driving me into full scale drag addiction. Once Saturday arrived and the full scale drug addiction hadn't they decided that it wasn't worth the hassle of continuing to f*ck with my Blackberry because minor irritation aside I could still use the Internet, Twitter my blog, Google etc.

I'm still drunk off my a*se though.

So it seems a good time for me to comment of Todd Akin's apology video then. I think in talking about the many victims of rape he was talking directly to small town America about the possibility that rather then being aborted foetuses conceived through rape could be raised the rapist. This of course is a very silly idea because in my experience the type of man that will rape a domestic partner is very often the sort of man who will kill. So either way you end up with a dead baby. In preparation for the Republican National Convention I think the point the big bad CIA were trying to make in writing Mr Akin's script was that when you elect a US President you elect a President for all on America not just the small towns.

23:45 on 21/8/12.

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