Friday 31 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.3

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 2;

The Highlights Reel I video gave particular prominence to female athletes in a variety of disciplines. The Highlights Reel II gave particular prominence to female athletes in just the discipline of Weightlifting.

A contrast which was intended as a criticism of Laurel Hubbard.

That man from New Zealand who, in middle-age, discovered that he is a terrible Weightlifter. So at these games has decided to pretend to be a woman.

Thinking all the physiological advantages of his manhood. Such as greater muscle and bone density. Would making it easier for him to beat all the female weightlifters.

It serves as a broader criticism of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Which allowed that to happen

Along with the two other, slower nations. The US and Canada. Who also seem to think that Transgender athletes are an ongoing debate within the Olympic/Para-Olympic movement.

One of the main recurring themes of these games has been to advance rights for women. Particularly within Japanese society.

The actions of the IOC and those three painfully slow nations. Has, instead, forced us to fight something of a rear-guard action.

Defending the already hard-won rights for women. From middle-aged men like Laurel Hubbard who wish to take them away again.

The Athletes Arrive.

The athletes then arrived in the arena. Following the tradition of Together, As One. Established at the 1956 Summer Olympics. Held in Melbourne, Australia.

They entered from all four corners of the arena to gather on the grass. Symbolising how the Olympics brings together people from all four corners of the globe. Even if that is a logically problematic term.

This could certainly be interpreted as a reference to the Olympics key role in advancing Transgender rights globally.

When South Africa's Caster Semenya won Gold in 2008. It fell to the Olympics to gather scientists together from all corners of the globe. To poke, prod and study Caster Semenya in microscopic, quantum detail.

Leading to even the most socially conservative nations to conclude. That Transgenderism is an actual, real thing.

Just like how Cerebral Palsy is an actual, real thing. Just like how Epilepsy is an actual, real thing.

It is not something they are just doing for attention. Nor the result of demonic possession or other mental/moral failing.

It could also, certainly be interpreted as a criticism of the IOC. Which has now become so incompetent, so corrupt.

It is no longer able to even stage an Olympics. As the sporting excuse which gathers people from all four corners of the globe. To discuss the big issues of the day.

Reducing it to nothing more than a megaphone. A megaphone for a screaming baby.

Or it could symbolise nothing other than athletes arriving from all four corners of the globe.

The national flags had been paraded into the arena earlier. During the Flag Parade section. As they arrived they were placed in a circle. Around the central Pitcher's Mound stage.

Once the athletes had arrived in the arena. Making themselves comfortable on the grass.

The colours appeared to drain from the national flags. Pooling on the floor of that central circle around the Pitcher's Mound stage.

As the colours of the national flags melted together as one. They began to form the stars of the night sky. Followed by cosmic, sub-atomic space particles, waves and plasmas.

These cosmic white lights then rose from the arena floor. Appearing to swirl around the stadium, as if carried on the wind.

Rather like Ghosts. Holy Spirits. Holy Forces. Kami.

This reminded me of that famous scene from the famous  1981 "Indiana Jones" movie; "Raiders of the Lost Ark." In which the Nazis open the Ark of the Covenant. Releasing the ghosts which swirl around and melt their faces off.

I don't think it was intended as a reference to the movie. That's just the easiest comparison I can think of to explain it. As I try to write up what was a very visual experience.

The Kami then manifested themselves as water. Falling like rain back to the arena floor. Once again pooling in that central circle around the Pitcher's Mound stage.

The Kami then formed a single, intense beam of white light energy. Which fired a column up into the sky.

Where it revealed The Olympic Rings.

This was a repeat of a sequence in the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea (RoK/South). During a section I titled; "Beaten Black & Blue."

This saw a similar intense beam of white light energy. Rise from a recessed circle in the arena floor. To a corresponding recessed circle in the arena roof.

That was a reference to China's Quantum Experiments at Space-Scale (QUESS) satellite. 

The World's first communications satellite which uses Quantum Cryptography/Encryption Technology. It was launched back in 2016.

All electronic communications/expressions. Be they lightbulbs, phonecalls, text messages, photographs, videos etc. 

Are all just a pattern or code of either Electronic Current Present/On (I) or Electronic Current Absent (O).

You may recognise that combined (I/O) from the On/Off switch on, really, all of your electronic devices.

What Quantum Cryptography/Encryption does. Is use tiny sub-atomic, quantum particles. Of, technically not even, light. To transmit that pattern of Current Present/Current Absent.

Somewhat like FibreOptic Broadband. Only much, much more complicated.

I think the most widely known form of electronic surveillance is the Classic Wire Tap. Traditional communications transmit that pattern of Current Present/Current Absent along a metal wire.

To intercept the communication. You literally clamp or tap another wire into that wire. 

Allowing you to, typically, hear the message before it reaches its intended recipient. When they hear the message the recipient has no idea that you've also heard the message.

With Quantum Cryptography/Encryption the quantum particles forming the pattern of Current Present/Current Absent. Are so unstable that if you try to intercept them you will destroy them.

Meaning that not only don't you get to see/hear the message. The people you are targeting will instantly know you are targeting them. Due to the message not getting through.

So Quantum Encryption is currently considered to be Utterly Unbreakable. 100% Totally Secure. Very few people even have the ability to do Quantum Encryption themselves. Let alone crack other people's.

There is, obviously, an absolutely vast distance.

Between China's Quantum Encryption/Cryptography QUESS satellite.

And the US/UK's belief that Miley Cyrus and I can't talk to each other directly. Using electronic communications like email or Instagram Direct Messages.

As those are secret.

America could have used 2021. Being taught how to start to close that vast distance.

If only that infamous episode of Saturday Night Live (SNL). Had been able to do its one, very simple job correctly.

This spectacular, immersive visual experience was achieved using a technique known as; "Augmented Reality (AR)."

Augmented Reality actually first emerged back in 1915. With the; "Rotoscopotry" technique. The hand-painting of images onto individual frames of celluloid film. To add special effects to silent movies.

However in the Digital Age. Augmented Reality really refers to any scenario where real life, Reality. Is Augmented with Digital data.

A prime example would be the Head Up Display (HUD). Which has been used in military aircraft since the 1960's. It has increasingly become used in private motor vehicles.

I'm sure you know the thing. Where your instruments such as speedometer, fuel gauge and SatNav map are projected onto a little screen in front of you.

Another widely known example of Augmented Reality is the Smartphone game; "Pokemon Go."

In which the GPS/SatNav on your Smartphone guides you to a location. When you view that location through the camera on your Smartphone. Little digital Pokemon monsters appear for you to catch.

The use of Augmented Reality here was another reference to the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Held in South Korea.

In that same Beaten Black & Blue section. The South Korean hosts used Augmented Reality to reveal the Olympic Rings. The first Augmented Reality Olympic Rings in Olympic history.

The problem was. That while this looked spectacular for everyone watching on TV. 

The people who were actually there, in person. Weren't able to access the digital data. So were just left staring into the vast blankness of the night sky.

Here Japan went one step further. 

Giving the people who attended the Closing Ceremony in person a special Smartphone App. Allowing them to view the ceremony through the camera on their Smartphone, accessing the digital data.

Another example. Of Japan being ever so slightly more technologically advanced than their South Korean rivals.

It also seemed to be a tacit acceptance by the organisers. That no matter how much effort they put into the Closing Ceremony. Nobody would be watching it. They'd all be filming it on their phones.

This has become a growing problem as Smartphone use has expanded.

It used to be that people would go to something like a concert, a sporting event or an Olympic ceremony. Experiencing it in its visceral, all-consuming glory.

Now everybody seems to be slightly detached from every event. Filming it rather than experiencing it. To watch a much worse version of it on TV at home later.

This even seems to have extended to basic human interactions. Such as conversations. The second there's even a momentary lull in conversation everyone's, straight away, staring down at their phones again.

This obsession with Smartphones also touches on a recurring theme of the Opening Ceremony. The ever increasing pace of modern life.

The Opening Ceremony looked at the history of European economics. From the Medieval Freemasons through to John Locke and the birth of European Colonialism. A journey of some 400 years.

Through the Portuguese Black Ships the Opening Ceremony then looked at the European Colonial Era. Which lasted some 150 years. Up to the First World War.

It then compared that to all the events that have occurred since. In just the span of Agnes Keleti's 100 year life.

This ever increasing pace of modern life has started to trigger something of a backlash.

With a handful of western bands. Such as Coldplay and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs banning Smartphones from their concerts. Forcing their fans to embrace the live experience.

There has also been the recent western trend towards the hippy-dippy concept of; "Mindfulness." A form of quasi-mediation which is all about learning to be fully present in the moment.

A concept which is hardly revolutionary to followers of Ancient Asian Animist religions. Such as Zen Buddhists or Yoga practicing Hindus.

The Highlights Reel I video paid special attention to the Kata discipline of Karate. 

Rather like the Chinese practice of Tai Chi. Kata forces you to concentrate intently on, almost, every cell of every fibre of every muscle. As you work through the complex series of movements.

Really the ultimate in experiencing or being present in the moment.

In certain situations. This obsession with Smartphones is an example of what psychologists term a; "Displacement Activity."

Within psychology you have the concept of; "Cognitive Dissonance." 

The uncomfortable, almost painful feeling you get. When something you believe collides with a reality that contradicts it.

So you might be watching your favourite female popstar perform a big concert. Perhaps on New Year's Eve. 

You would, no doubt want, to believe. That this is amazing, brilliant and inspiring. When, in reality. It's just a bit rubbish really.

Or you may wish to believe you're an interesting person. With an exotic, ever fluid gender pronouns. When, in reality, you're just boring yourself.

A Displacement Activity is something you do to distract from or displace. That uncomfortable feeling caused by Cognitive Dissonance.

At the most basic level this can be extremely benign. Something like a harmless self-grooming ritual.

Such as scratching your head. As you try to find a way to impose the linear rules of language. On to the distinctly non-linear concepts of an Olympic ceremony.

Or something like running your hands along your nose. As you read, in horror, a BBC News online article. About Chrissy Teigen suffering a miscarriage.

However Displacement Activity can also take much more damaging forms. Such as alcohol or drug abuse.

One example that I can think of. Which is relatively easy for you to learn about on the Internet. Is Jason Thirsk, the bass player for the US Punk band; "Pennywise."

As far as I can tell. Jason Thirsk suffered from very serious Depression. Which he tried to displace, distract himself from through drink and drug abuse.

Ultimately that failed. Leading him to commit suicide in 1996.

Pennywise's 1997 album "Full Circle" was the cathartic response. With its main motif of overlapping guitars. Simulating the sensation of drowning in the dark abyss.

Another example of a damaging Displacement Activity would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Although, amid this now 3 year Pandemic. The musk-nutters seem to have, somehow, managed to trick us all into believing. That their mental disorder is something we all have to just accept as normal now.

This topic of Displacement Activity. Is particularly relevant to that big recurring theme of the games; An Intervention For Britain.

I think on some level. Britain realises that in 2006 it just, completely withdrew from reality.

I also think that Britain knows. That if it wants to return to reality. With things like its much dreamed about global leadership on Mental Health.

Then it is going to have to rip out everything it's done since 2006.

I've certainly explained it to them enough times. With the simplest of words, even little pictures.

However Britain doesn't want to do that. 

So every time those painful thoughts of reality intrude into their minds. They do something to distract from it, displace it.

In many ways 2021 has just been a long series of British Displacement Activities.

Things like attempting to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus. The Sarah Everard thing. The Ghislaine Maxwell thing.

As the year has gone on its become harder and harder for Britain to try and block out those intrusive thoughts. Causing their Displacement Activities to become bigger, more desperate, more dangerous.

Things like the emergence of the apparent tradition of The Friday Psychotic Outburst.

If you look at Lebanon. Belarus. Ukraine. COP 26. Even these Olympic games.

You will see that not only are Britain's Displacement Activities becoming ever more desperate. They are becoming increasingly dangerous to the nations around Britain. The whole World Really.

It's one thing if Britain wants to kill one of its MP's, like David Amess. Or blow up one of its hospitals in Liverpool. In an effort to make itself feel better about itself.

It's quite another when its desperate actions start impacting on other people and nations.

As I mentioned. The UK Mental Health Act 1983 allows for people to be, essentially, imprisoned.

That can only happen in two circumstances. If their behaviour means they are a danger to themselves. Or if their behaviour means they are a danger to those around them.

Britain currently fulfils both of those criteria.

If it doesn't sort itself out soon. Action will need to be taken.

This issue of Displacement Activity. Also has some connection to the, mainly maritime, tensions in the Asia-Pacific region

Primarily between Australia, the UK and the US (AUKUS) and China.

With the nations, such as Japan and South Korea, that are actually in the Asia-Pacific region. Being in danger of getting caught in the cross-fire.

I think we all know what Britain is trying to displace or distract from. While I don't think we have to look too hard to see what the Biden regime is trying to displace or distract from.

As Archimedes discovered. In his Eureka! moment in the bath. Vessels float by displacing a volume of water equal to their mass.

Ships are still measured in terms of their; "Displacement." The amount of water their mass will need to displace to stay afloat.

So, in many ways. Every maritime activity is a displacement activity.

The section ended with a burst of fireworks. Forming the shape of a Lotus Flower.

The Lotus Flower that is often used as a metaphor for the Buddhist journey towards enlightenment. 

Something the first Buddha achieved while meditating under a Bodhi Tree.  

To be continued in Part 4.

16:55 on 31/12/21 (UK date).

Thursday 30 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.2

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 1;

Fun With Flags I.

It is International Olympic Committee (IOC) protocol. That each Closing Ceremony must include a section. In which the host nation's flag is raised and their national anthem is played.

This section gave us our first look at the arena layout. Which would stay the same throughout the ceremony.

It was intended to resemble A Baseball Field. So a field of grass with pathways in it to link the bases.

Although, obviously it was intended to be an artistic representation of a Baseball Field. Not an actual Baseball Field.

In the centre, representing the Pitcher's Mound. There was a small, multi-level stepped stage. 

Intended to invoke the stone steps at the entrance of a Shinto Shrine. The site of worship within Japan's main Animist religion/belief system.

Shinto Shrines actually have a set architectural layout. With each element serving a particular purpose.

You have the gate; "Toro." Which I think everyone recognises as the image of a Shinto Shrine. The vertical pillars of wood. With a curved wooden lintel resting on top of them. Known as; "Chigi."

Behind the Toro you have the stone steps. Which, I don't think, actually have a specific Japanese name.

The stone steps lead up to the; "Sando." The pathway leading to the Shrine. This is lit by ceremonial lanterns; "Toro."

The first buildings you arrive at along the Sando are; "Chozuya" or; "Temizuya." A place for worshippers to ceremonially cleanse themselves before entering the Shrine. Rather like how Muslims wash themselves before entering a Mosque.

The next building is the; "Kagura-den." A hall in which songs and dances are performed as offerings to the Kami (God, Holy Spirit, Holy Force) the Shrine is dedicated to honouring.

Then there are structures for Ema to be placed. These are prayers or wishes being asked of the Kami. They're engraved on wooden plaques.

You then have the; "Haiden." Sometimes described as; "The Oratory Hall." This is where people gather to share and offer prayers to the Kami the Shrine is dedicated to honouring.

Beyond the Haiden you the; "Honden." This is almost the noble sanctuary. The part of the Shrine where the Kami it is honouring resides.

The Honden is surrounded by a fence; "Tamagaki." Along with statues of; "Komainyu" Lion-Dogs. To guard the Honden and the Kami that resides there.

Not all Shrines actually have a Honden. In Shinto Kami are considered to be manifestations of nature and nature is considered to be a manifestation of the Kami.

So Kuni-no-Tokotatchi is considered to be manifested in Mount Fuji. As represented by the Olympic Cauldron structure which was also present throughout this Closing Ceremony.

As such the Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine at Mount Fuji doesn't have Honden. Mount Fuji itself is considered the Honden.

Many Shrines also have; "Sessha" or; "Messha." Almost auxiliary shrines honouring other Kami, closely associated with the Kami that resides in the Honden. However those Kami do not reside within the Sessha.

Shrines also have a; "Shamusho." The admin office.

Alongside stone steps this Pitcher's Mound stage also had ramps. Making it wheelchair accessible.

A Big Advert for the Para-Olympics. Here in the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics.

Expressing Japan's desire for parity between the Olympics and Para-Olympics. As not two, separate events but one continuous event.

A reminder to viewers. That this is not the end. It is merely the beginning of the intermission.

Japan is probably one of the only countries outside of the US. Where Baseball is even remotely popular.

Something they referenced in the Cauldron Lighting during the Opening Ceremony. With Shiego Nagashima, Sadaharu Oh and Hideki Matsui

Those two frail old men and their care worker. All still clinging on. Waiting for Britain's much promised global leadership in the field of elderly healthcare to finally emerge. All these years after 2006.

The Japanese Flag was brought into the arena by six flag-bearers;

Naohisa Takato: The Japanese woman who, at these games, won the Gold Medal in the Womens 60kg Judo. A traditionally male combat sport.

Takeru Kitazono: The Japanese man who, at these games, won a Silver Medal. In the stereotypically feminine sport of Artistic Gymnastics 

Together they touch on that recurring theme of these games. Improving rights for women, particularly within Japanese society. By exploring traditional and non-traditional gender roles.

Yui Ohashi:  The Japanese woman who, at these games, won two Gold Medals. In the 200m Individual Medley and 400m Individual Medley Swimming events.

Ramu Kawai: The young Japanese woman who became the first Youth World Champion. At the 2018 Youth Games. In the discipline of Break-Dancing.

Break-Dancing or; "Breaking" will become an Olympic event at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France. In no small part due to Japan and, Asians generally, obsession with this traditionally Black American form of dance.

Despite the nutters of Black Lives Matter wishing to see such; "Cultural Appropriation" outlawed. As the most serious form of Thought-Crime.

Dr Hiroyuki Yokota: The Deputy Chief Medical Officer (DCMO) at these games. Overseeing all medical matters. He is representative of all the Healthcare Professionals who have responded to the Pandemic.

Yano Amane: A young Japanese woman from Osaka who is a fashion model. Despite having a prosthetic lower right leg. Having lost her own leg at age 12. Due to a very Covid-like inflammatory blood disorder.

Another Big Advert for the Para-Olympics. Here in the Olympic Closing Ceremony. One that challenges the notion that Disabled people can't be sexy or sexual.

The Japanese Flag was then handed to flag-detail made up of all branches of the Japanese Self-Defence Forces (JSDF). 

The Japanese Ground Self-Defence Forces (JGSDF). The Japanese Air Self-Defence Forces (JASDF). The Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Forces (JMSDF).

As within the Opening Ceremony. This flag-detail was strictly gender-balanced. With female members of the JSDF on one side with an equal number of male members of the JSDF on the other.

This flag-detail then raised the flag on a flag pole on the protocol stage. Which had been noticeably stripped of the very nautical theme it had during the Opening Ceremony.

So I found it a little interesting. That in contrast the flag-detail was led, or commanded, by an officer from the JMSDF. They're still Constitutionally forbidden from referring to it as a; "Navy."

As the Japanese Flag was being raised on the protocol stage. The Japanese National Anthem was being sung, live, on the central Pitcher's Mound stage.

By the Takarazuka Revue. One of the last surviving examples of; "Onna-kabuki." The three Kanji symbols that make up the word Kabuki are; "Song (1-10-4)," "Dance (2-2-13)" and; "Skill (1-3-4)."

As was mentioned during the section of the Opening Ceremony which I entitled; "Intermission." Onna-kabuki is the original form of Kabuki. With adult women playing all roles. Male, female, adult, child.

However Onna-kabuki was really a front for prostitution. So during the Edo Period was banned. 

Being replaced first by Wakashu-kabuki. With all male casts, men playing adults and boys playing children. 

Then Yaro-Kabuki. With men playing all roles. Male, female, adult, child.

As was also mentioned during that same sequence. 

Japan's shrinking population means it might want to abandon the strictures of the Edo Period. Returning to Kabuki's rather horny history.

Otherwise Izanagi and Izanami's fourth favourite child may not survive.

It's difficult not to look at; "Burusera." The very public Japanese sexual fetish for pubescent school girl's used underwear, swimming costumes, sanitary products. Essentially anything that's touched their genitals.

Without speculating whether it is not extremely repressed sexuality. Being squeezed out the sides. In a way that is hardly productive for reproduction. 

The Edo Period also saw the introduction of the; "Sakoku" or; "Locked State" policy. To give you an idea of how deeply engrained a distrust of foreigners this has left within Japanese society.

It is actually illegal for the lyrics of the Japanese National Anthem to be translated, let alone performed. In any language other than Japanese.

Which is absolutely the only reason why I'm not telling you what the lyrics mean here.

Flag Parade.

It is IOC protocol that the Closing Ceremony does not include the Parade of Nations used in the Opening Ceremony. Which you've just seen highlights of in the Highlights Reel I.

The reason for this is the 1956 Summer Olympics. Held in Melbourne, Australia. The one at which Agnes Keleti won two Silver and four Gold Medals in Gymnastics.

You remember Agnes Keleti. The oldest surviving Olympic Champion. The 100 year old woman who featured in that video in the Opening Ceremony. Just after the Olympic Oaths were taken.

The 1956 Summer Olympics occurred at the height of the Cold War. During the games themselves the Soviet Union invaded Hungary. To crush the Hungarian Uprising/Revolution.

In protest Agnes Keleti and 44 other Hungarian Olympians simply refused to return to Hungary. Claiming political asylum in Australia.

Those games ended up being so extremely bad tempered. There were things like actual fist-fights breaking out between delegations.

In an effort to calm things down. Organisers tried to get participants to focus on what they had in common. Their mutual participation in sport. Rather than the national and political differences that divide them.

So rather than entering the arena in a parade of tightly regimented squadrons of nations. The athletes enter the arena as a much more relaxed, single whole. All together, as one. So to speak.

However the National Flags are still paraded into the arena. Normally by a single athlete from each respective nation.

This year though many of the National Flags had to be paraded in by Japanese volunteers. Pandemic restrictions meant that athletes and their support teams had to leave Japan within 48 hours of their event ending.

So many of the smaller delegations. Particularly those whose events were at the start of the games. Were no longer in Japan.

Once the flags had been paraded in. They were displayed in a circle, around the central Pitcher's Mound stage.

At around 18:20 on 30/12/21 (UK date) I'll try and finish this part after dinner. 

Edited at around 21:00 on 30/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Highlights Reel II.

Another short video was played. Showing more highlights of the games just past.

Again this video gave much prominence to Britain's Equestrian Team. Along with Team GB Diver Tom Daley.

Another reference to that big, recurring theme of the games. An Intervention For Britain.

The video also gave much prominence to Team GB Swimmer Adam Peaty. Who gained two Gold Medals at these games. 

In the 4x400m Mixed Medley Relay. Along with the Mens 100m Breaststroke. Team GB's first Gold Medal of these games.

As a child I, myself, used to be something of a promising swimmer. Winning at County Level, above my age bracket. I had to give it up though after developing an allergy to Chlorine.

A White man Adam Peaty is currently in an Interracial relationship. With the Black woman Erianedd Munro.

Rather like how I'm in an Interracial relationship with Rihanna. My eternal wife in the eyes of the International Olympic/Para-Olympic movement.

So Adam Peaty was donated those Gold Medals. As a way to discuss what a star performer I am for the superior beings of Team GB.

As with the Equestrian events having me as the inferior being,  the horse. Being controlled by the world-class expertise of the superior beings of Team GB.

That is not even remotely connected to reality.

Not only do I not work for Team GB. 2006 was Team GB blowing any chance of me ever working for them. 

The list they drew up in 2006 of all the wonderful things they thought they were going to achieve. Was, in fact, them drawing up a list of things they were choosing to never achieve.

A lesson the US has seemed intent on learning for themselves. The hard way.

The video also gave a lot of prominence to Anna Kiesenhofer. Who sensationally won Gold in the Womens Cycling Road Race. On the second full day of the games.

As I said in discussing Highlights Reel I. My entire life was stolen from me in 2006. Then gifted to someone else. On the basis they would go on to be world-class in the field of Bio-Medical Science. 

With her PhD in Mathematics Anna Kiesenhofer represents that person.

Making it very hard to explain why the IOC were portraying Anna Kiesenhofer as a success. Particularly as the Pandemic is now in its third year.

Some would even describe the IOC's behaviour towards Britain there as abusive. The equivalent of giving an alcoholic yet another beer.

In contrast the video also gave prominence to Simone Biles. The Team USA gymnast who was famous at these games for developing the; "Yips" or; "Twisties."

The sort of vague mental health problem. That allowed us all to ask; "How did Simone Biles get it so wrong?!" "What is Simone Biles' problem?!" 

Suggesting there may be hope for America yet. Where none exists for Britain anymore.

During the intervention they were at least acknowledging that they've got a problem. Starting to explore the reasons that led to them developing that problem.

The video also gave prominence to Yulimar Rojas (Rodriguez). The Venezuelan woman who emerged as one of stars of the games.

Yulimar Rojas won Gold in the Womens Triple Jump. Becoming the first Venezuelan woman to win an Olympic Gold. Setting a New World Record in the process.

In the Opening Ceremony. In a section I entitled; "The Corona Of Serfdom." We explored the Austrian School of Economics. Its central text being; "The Road To Serfdom." By Friedrich Hayek

The Austrian School considers the economy to be the sum of an almost infinite number of, often irrational decisions. Being made by billions of people each and every day.

No government could ever have the insight and wisdom to replace that near infinite number of decisions. As advocated by acolytes of the Keynesian School of economics.

So any attempt to do so will, inevitably, end in failure. This failure will start a spiral into Totalitarianism. As the government has to become ever more forceful as it tries to cover up its failures.

Strictly speaking Marxism or Communism isn't an economic model. So much as a political rejection of economics. 

However its model of a single political party controlling all economic activity. Is the most extreme example of Keynesian interventionism.

Venezuela is one of only a few nations on Earth that still subscribes to Marxism. A large part of Yulimar Rojas' backstory is how she's battled to overcome the poverty and serfdom of Venezuelan Marxism.

As the Venezuelan economy has continued to collapse. We've all been able to see the Venezuelan government becoming increasingly Totalitarian.

Including the public phonecall Nicholas Maduro made to congratulate Yulimar Rojas. Which even the kindest of onlooker has described as; "Forced."

Yulimar Rojas is coached by the Cuban Ivan Pedroso (Soler). Cuba being another of the handful of countries that still subscribe to Marxism.

As the Venezuelan economy has collapsed. It has become less able to subsidise the Cuban economy. Which, in turn, has also collapsed.

Just before the Olympics. July 11th (11/7/21) through to July 17th (17/7/21). Mass food shortages caused by the collapse of the Cuban economy prompted mass protests in Cuba.

Which the Cuban government then violently put down. In true Totalitarian fashion.

By including that Corona of Serfdom section in the Opening Ceremony. Japan allowed me to showcase.

Exactly who was in whose audience at Live 8.

That 2005 event that created such excitement. It saw Britain being awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Just one year before Britain just, completely withdrew from reality.


To be continued in Part 3.

21:15 30/12/21 (UK date).

Tuesday 28 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony Pt.1

On August 8th 2021 (8/8/21) the 2020 Summer Olympics came to a close. In Tokyo, Japan. 

As is tradition they ended with the Closing Ceremony.

Highlights Reel I.

As with the Opening Ceremony. The Japanese hosts, as possibly the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. Dispensed with the tradition of an Opening Countdown.

A tradition that has long been rendered obsolete. By advances to broadcasting technology.

Instead the Closing Ceremony began with a short video. Showing some of the highlights of the games that had just taken place.

It started at the very beginning. Including highlights of the Opening Ceremony. Such as the Athletes Parade and the Olympic Cauldron Lighting.

It also showed the moment the fan-inspired Tokyo 2020 Emblem, Ichimatsu Moyo (Harmonised Chequered), was first revealed. On a flag.

A reference to how flags used to be used on the battlefields of Japan, as a form of military communications. Rather like how flags were used as a form of military communications in western nations.

The video then showed the Olympic venues filling with athletes. The games getting under way. 

Part of the footage of the athletes competing was overlaid with animation. 

Turning the competitors into sort Manga cartoon superheroes. While showing off Japan's global leadership in animation.

In a nod to the Pandemic and the restrictions it has brought. 

Some of the winners were seen celebrating with their loved ones via Zoom calls. Where, normally, they would have been able to celebrate in person.

The video showed the highs and the lows. The successes. The Failures.

It gave particular prominence to Team GB's Equestrian team. Along with the Team GB Diver Tom Daley.

One of the big, global issues being discussed at these games. A Recurring Theme. Was Britain's decision, back in 2006. To just, completely withdraw from reality.

Japan, as a friend and ally of Britain. Was keen for the games to serve as something of An Intervention for Britain

The sort of thing that friends do for an alcoholic, drug addict or otherwise mentally ill person. To help them face up to their problems before those problems kill them.

So first Japan wanted Britain to admit that it has just, completely withdrawn from reality. Something which is obvious to the rest of us.

Then provide Britain with something of a; "Safe Space." 

So Britain can explore what drove it to just, completely withdraw from reality. Allowing it to resolve those things and start participating in reality again.

One of the hallmarks of Britain's complete withdrawal from reality. Is its belief that it possesses magical superpowers. 

Allowing it to perform elaborate Jedi-like mind-tricks to control all of us inferior beings. Myself included.

Normally such deluded thoughts would be considered a symptom of a very serious mental illness.

Equestrian events are unusual within the Olympics. As they are not really done by the human competitor. 

So much as done by the horse. The inferior being that the human is able to control through their superiority.

As a result. The Equestrian events tend to attract people who share Britain's rather troubled thought process.

The prime example would be the Modern Pentathlon. Where the German coach Kim Raisner was given a Black Card. Dismissed from the games. For punching a horse.

The thing about Modern Pentathlon is that it is not their horse. They're randomly assigned the horse.

It's part of the challenge. Being able to build the complex relationship between horse and rider in the space of about 20 minutes. Then having to control that horse as it does some very challenging things.

So if you want to ruin someone's day. You just assign them a horse that you know is naughty. Or send the horse they've picked a bit crazy. Normally by feeding it a lot of sugar.

The purpose of giving Germany's Annika Schleu the naughty Saint Boy. Was to discuss how the European Union (EU) came to completely humiliate itself in Brexit negotiations with Britain.

The idea being that the German-led EU had been unable to control me, the horse, in those negotiations. As effectively as Britain had been able to control me during those negotiations.

When, in reality. I abstained. Refusing every fence.

So the Olympic Equestrian events should have provided the perfect opportunity. To help Britain face up to its self-destructive delusion. That it has magical superpowers.

This is particularly true due to the way the US/UK have attempted to hijack my relationship with Miley Cyrus.

That relationship ground to a halt. As the US/UK insisted that Miley Cyrus and I can't talk to each other directly. You know, that thing humans do.

So all the benefits everyone, particularly Miley Cyrus, could of reaped from her relationship with me. Were cast aside as the US/UK became obsessed, fixated on just one objective;

Proving that I am mentally ill. My belief that Miley Cyrus hides secret messages for me in her Instagram posts being evidence of my delusional state of mind.

In no small part. This is due to the fact that under the UK Mental Health Act 1983 you can effectively imprison people for their entire lives. 

Without having to go through the formality of a Criminal Trial. Without them having any real right to appeal.

Mainly though. It's that the US/UK's extremely troubled thought process has led them to believe.  

That if they could convince everyone that I'm mad.

Then it would also prove, once-and-for all. That they are sane.

Obviously though even the US/UK realised they couldn't say that out loud.

So instead they claimed that Miley Cyrus and I can't speak directly. Through Direct Messages, email etc. As that would be a secret.

No-one else would be able to see. As the mysteries of Miley Cyrus' rumoured, alleged bisexuality were revealed.

Meanwhile, over in reality. I was using it as an opportunity. To teach all my paywall readers the Cavaletti method of horse training. 

The Cavaletti method pioneered by Reiner Klimke. The German winner of the Mens Gold Medal in the Equestrian event of Dressage. At the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

This became a massive running joke. Throughout the Equestrian qualifying events for the 2020 Olympics.

It even played a role in Jessica Springsteen, daughter of Bruce Springsteen. Being selected as part of the US Olympic Equestrian team.

Jessica Springsteen probably enjoys something of a similar relationship with her famous father. As Miley Cyrus does with her father, Billy Ray Cyrus.

There is, of course, a reason. Why I was able to teach everyone about the Klimke Cavaletti method.

Prior to having children. Both my mother and father owned horses.

It's a bit of a longstanding family joke. That they traded their horses for children. Regretting it ever since.

My mother currently owns a horse. As does my sister.

Making my sister the latest generation in a long family tradition of owning horses. That stretches back, at least, 130 years.

So not only do I have a riding saddle in my house now. I have a 19th Century riding saddle in my house now.

As if the Universe was trying to prove a point.

During the Para-Olympics my mother broke her leg. While trying to; "Back" a horse.

Long before you can ride a young horse. You have to teach it to be comfortable around humans. Wearing a bridle on its head, being led around on a rope etc.

Unless the horse is completely wild this is pretty easy. You just let the Mummy Horse (Oh, Dam!) explain. That you're where the food comes from.

Next you have to teach the horse to be comfortable with a saddle on its back. Then with a human sitting on the saddle on its back. 

This is known as; "Backing." Although everyone has their own slang.

It is only then that you can attempt something like Cavaletti training.

So Backing is extremely advanced horsemanship

Amongst horse people it's a massive brag. To say that you've been able to Back a horse. Particularly if you've got the broken bones to prove it.

Meaning my mother's antics probably made a few Para-Olympic Equestrians uncomfortable. Proving that, actually. They're not *that* good with horses.

This is the mother who is also an extremely highly accomplished Physiotherapist.

As a child I used to spend school holidays as a stable boy/groom. A way to ride other people's horses for free.

Although I sort of drifted away from it. As I started to intimidate the horses. With my size.

I was actually meant to visit my mother and sister back in June 2021, just before the Olympics. To meet their horses for the first time.

Along with a couple of horses other horse people have lent them. To back and otherwise bring along. Including one who seems to only understand Gypsy Irish.

Unfortunately I had to cancel. Due to my father being admitted to hospital to undergo major surgery.

Putting me in a lot of contact with Health Professionals and Social Workers. All of whom seemed to be aggressively fishing for evidence of my delusional state of mind.

When I did, finally, get to meet the horses. In November 2021. We had to take a little detour to buy a new riding hat.

As none of the riding hats I already own fit anymore.

That was actually the joke about the Cavaletti method;

Someone needs to teach Miley Cyrus how not to fall over even the smallest of things. Before she breaks something and gets bolted out.

So in any laboured Olympic Equestrian metaphor.

I am definitely the horse-rider. Not the horse.

Having me as the horse. That Britain is world-class at expertly controlling. With its magical superpowers.

That is not even remotely connected to reality.

Some would even describe it as abusive. The equivalent of buying an alcoholic yet another beer.

Sadly. Particularly when I'm discussing it with my mothers.

Britain's 2006 decision to just, completely withdraw from reality. Is deeply intertwined with their decision to grant greater rights to gay people.

For example. Britain introduced Civil Partnerships for gay couples in 2005.

This has been a huge problem in trying to convince other countries to grant greater rights to gay people.

It makes it appear as though that is the quickest, surest way to destroy your country. Listening to gay people, let alone giving them rights.

It certainly set the cause of equal marriage in the US back by a good five years

Making the issue so politically toxic. That in the end the former Biden regime had to cheat the system a bit. Leaving the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to legislate from the bench.

The Fun With Flags I section, in the Opening Ceremony. Was a celebration of my own global gay-rights activism. Particularly the way I've overcome the barriers Britain has put in everyone's way.

Unfortunately it is another hallmark of Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality. That they genuinely believe that they have spent the last 16 years acting as global torch-bearers for the cause of gay-rights.

It seems no amount of evidence is able to shake them from that delusion.

The Team GB diver Tom Daley has been a central part of Britain's gay-rights delusion.

There are only three types of people who think Tom Daley has advanced gay-rights globally;

Gay men. A particularly sleazy type of gay man.

Fag-Hags. Those wretched straight women who latch themselves onto any passing gay guy.

Grandmothers With Gay Grandsons. That regret that they never had the opportunity to be fag-hags.

The proverbial choir. Which some find it so much easier to preach to.

When everyone else looks at Tom Daley. They see;

A boy who was groomed in the lifestyle by a much older man

When he made his debut at the 2008 Olympics, held in Beijing, China. Tom Daley was just 14 years old. He was joined in his underpants by the 26 year old Blake Aldridge.

In Tom Daley we still see that same little boy. Still trapped in the lifestyle. 

At the age of 23 Tom Daley seems to have been coerced into marriage to, yet another, much older man. A full 20 years older Dustin Lance Black was 43 years old when the pair married in 2017.

Since then it seems Dustin Lance Black has traded Tom Daley in for an even younger model. Using the marriage as a cover to lay his hands on an infant boy in 2018.

Even the knitting thing. Looks like what psychologists would term a; "Displacement Activity." 

Something Tom Daley does to distract himself. From those intrusive thoughts about what Dustin Lance Black is doing to that younger model while he's not around.

So the only accurate storyline for Tom Daley at these games. Would have been for him to mess up so badly. That he suffered a catastrophic injury.

An injury so absolutely catastrophic he would have to sell all his medals. To pay for rehabilitation therapy. At the sort of camp that could convert him back into a functioning member of society again.

Even I'm not quite that spiteful though. So a reasonable compromise would be something like Tom Daley developing the yips. Having some sort of mental health problem. Rather like Simone Biles.

The sort of thing that would allow us to discuss; "How did Tom Daley get it so wrong?!" "What is Tom Daley's problem?!"

Instead we got Tom Daley being donated Gold Medals. As if he's something Britain, let alone anyone else should be proud of.

Particularly problematic was the Gold donated to Tom Daley in the Synchronised 10m platform. Alongside yet another of his much older male partners. On Monday July 26th (26/7/21).

As I've said. One of the main symptoms of Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality. Is that it believes it has magical superpowers. Allowing it to perform Jedi-like mind-tricks, particularly on me.

This has led Britain to keep trying to turn me into an Olympic event. Who can predict and control what part of the Opening Ceremony I will cover, on what day?

Something Britain still seems to be doing. With its Queen's Christmas broadcast. The Ninja-like intruder that accompanied it. Before being detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.

But I guess, we all have our level.

One of the things Britain was desperate to use its magical superpowers for in 2020. Was to get me to tell them how to respond to the pandemic. Entirely for free.

When their magical superpowers failed. It didn't prompt them to question whether they, in fact, don't have magical superpowers. 

Instead they attempted to rationalise their failure to themselves. Convincing themselves that I, an inferior being, just couldn't cope with the; "Advanced Chemistry" involved.

In the weekend leading up the July 26th. I'd covered the parts of the Opening Ceremony dealing the Building Blocks of Life. 

The differences between RNA and DNA. How Amino Acids form cells. Particularly how mutations has allowed COVID-19 to defeat vaccines etc.

I also looked at the possible Ionic Current cause for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). In relation to Christian Eriksen's very public heart attack.

This is all the supposedly; "Advanced Chemistry" that is beyond an inferior being such as myself.

Crucially everyone also saw me being able to do it from memory. I didn't need to look any of it up. It's stuff I already know. "High School Physics" basically.

That made it undeniable to everyone. That I most certainly can cope with the science. I'd simply chosen not to help. Britain's magical superpowers had failed.

I had; "Taken a Dive" so-to-speak.

Although I feel I should point out. I told you all the correct answer at the start of the Pandemic. Despite being a bit busy, having Covid at the time.

What I did not do. Is take the time and expend the energy to argue with you all. As to why you aren't even capable of repeating the correct answer back to me.

I should also point out. That in 2006 my entire life was stolen from me. Then gifted to someone else. On the basis that they had the potential to be a World leader in exactly this sort of Biomedical Science.

Meaning I thought simply telling you the correct answer was me being overly generous. When I should have just left you with what you've spent all of my money on.

So Tom Daley was donated that 10m Synchronised Gold. As a talking point about how I was a world class diver on the Pandemic issue.

The entire premise was, of course, ridiculous

As was discussed, at length, during the Opening Ceremony. I've had this long, 20 year relationship with Japan. Really the main part of this has been our mutual efforts to combat Climate Change.

Between 1997 and 2020. Combating Climate Change has been done under the Kyoto Protocol. As in the Japanese city of Kyoto. Where it was agreed upon/signed.

As the Olympic Cauldron lighting section of the Opening Ceremony. Gave me ample opportunity to showcase.

It turns out. There's a fair bit of science involved. In that whole; "Climate Science" thing.

That charitable donation to Tom Daley was particularly hard to explain. As it saw him beat Chinese divers.

As was discussed in the Opening Ceremony. In May 2021 there was an infamous episode of the US TV show; Saturday Night Live (SNL)." Which brought together Elon Musk and Miley Cyrus.

The only possible explanation for doing this. Was to introduce Miley Cyrus to Elon Musk. So the three of us could work together on finding a discreet way from Miley Cyrus and I to talk to each other directly.

A military intelligence officer such as myself. Being able access to SpaceX's Starlink satellite communications network. Would have certainly given us the option of taking things to a level the US intelligence community doesn't even know exists.

That is the only possible explanation for that infamous SNL episode. Certainly nothing else happened as a result.

However, being aware of the level the US/UK operate at. China, charitably, gave them a little bit of a hint. In the form of its Long March 5B space rocket.

On April 29th (29/4/21) the Long March 5B rocket was successfully launched. Putting a module for China's new Tiangong Space Station into orbit.

The World, including Elon Musk's Space X, then watched in amazement. As the rocket supposedly began an uncontrolled, unpredictable, dangerous descent back to Earth.

Over the next 11 days the rocket then twisted, spun and turned on its 425,000m dive. Before safely splashing into the waters of the Indian Ocean.

On May 8th (8/5/21). Around 45 minutes before that infamous episode of SNL was broadcast, well, live.

At which point China won all of the 2020 Olympic Diving medals.

Tom Daley can't even call himself a participant in comparison.

At around 18:25 on 28/12/21 (UK date) I'll try and finish this section off after dinner.

Edited at around 21:00 on 28/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

In discussing the Torch Relay during the Opening Ceremony. Particularly in reference to the use of the Queen song; "Teo Torriate."

I mentioned how I used the Freddie Mercury version of; "The Great Pretender." To Mock The Paris Agreement.

Freddie Mercury's version of the song was a sort of coded way of confirming his HIV/AIDS+ status. The video heavily invokes the imagery of Britain's early 1980's AIDS awareness public information campaign.

The Death Sentence. Set In Stone.

Across, particularly sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS continues to be a massive problem. Not just on a public health level. On structural, economic level.

We often talk about the; "Population Pyramid." Where you have a large base of young people, children. Alongside a summit of a small group of very old people. All supported by the healthy, working age people in the middle.

What HIV/AIDS does is destroy the middle of that pyramid. Leaving only the very young and the very old. People who are unable to look after themselves.

The economic, developmental challenge presented by HIV/AIDS frequently comes up within Climate Change negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

Where the aspiration is to make combating Climate Change a mechanism of economic development. Rather than a barrier. 

To the point that one of the largest HIV/AIDS charities is; "(RED)." One of the main programs dealing with forests under the UNFCCC is; "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation Plus (REDD+)."

That is absolutely no coincidence. REDD+ is where we have all those meetings. About who's got wood, what are they planning to do with their wood?

So we could certainly discuss whether it was appropriate for me. To use that Freddie Mercury song to mock the Paris Agreement. Or whether it was, perhaps, a little too vicious.

Although the Paris Agreement was signed in Paris, France at the 21st Conference Of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP21). In December 2015.

COP21 really began on November 13th 2015 (13/11/15). The Black Friday of the Paris Massacres. In which 130 civilians were murdered and brutally dismembered. Some while still alive.

So I think we were already pretty far beyond; "Vicious" by the time the Paris Agreement was signed.

Tom Daley and the British Equestrian team being donated all those medals. Was different from that though. It wasn't a criticism or an opinion I disagreed with being expressed.

It was more Britain and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) not being able to participate in the discussion. A discussion they simply lacked the ability to understand and follow. Let alone join in.

The equivalent of adults trying to have an over-dinner conversation. Only to be constantly interrupted by someone else's screaming baby.

The donation of the Gold Medal to Tom Daley on July 26th (26/7/21). Was really the first big warning sign for me. However I stayed with it until August 1st (1/8/21). In the hope that was just a blip.

By that Sunday it hadn't improved though. So I had to put a stop to things.

Until we could have something at least resembling a rational discussion. 

In many ways, I'm still waiting.

At around 21:30 on 28/12/21 (UK date) I'll have to try and finish this section tomorrow.

Edited at around 17:45 on 29/12/21 (UK date) to further tidy the above and copy & paste;

The highlight video also showed what some people have called; "The Moment of the Games."

The sharing of the Mens High Jump Gold Medal. Between Italy's Gianmarco Tamberi and Mutaz Barshim of Qatar.

Far from being a heartwarming moment. This was a talking point about how the IOC has allowed itself to become so corrupt, so incompetent.

That it is no longer able to stage an Olympics. The big sporting excuse that gathers all the nations of the World together. To discuss the big issues of the day.

Instead the IOC has allowed the Olympics to become nothing more than a way to promote the views of a small group of countries. A small group of increasingly extreme and isolated countries.

If you like the Olympics has become nothing but a megaphone. A megaphone to amplify the noise of that screaming baby.

So in the Mens High Jump event we were shown the person that one the Gold Medal, Gianmarco Tamberi. Alongside the person Qatar bribed the IOC to pretend had won the Gold Medal. Mutaz Barshim.

Sadly this is not a problem that is limited to the IOC. Although it is probably where it is at its worst.

Take for example the Football World governing body FIFA. Who are still refusing to hold a World Cup in 2022. As Qatar has bribed them not to go ahead with a World Cup in 2022.

The problem has also spread to more formal international political bodies. Such as the UN.

I think it's widely accepted now. That the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) simply says whatever Qatar tells it to say.

Qatar is one of main backers of the Muslim Brotherhood. If you look at Libya, Syria, Sudan and beyond. 

Particularly in 2021 many UN bodies now seem to see it as their purpose to help the Muslim Brotherhood Colonise as many counties as possible.

The video also gave a lot of prominence to Karate events. Now this could be because Karate is a sport invented by the Japanese hosts. One they are proud of.

However within Olympic Karate there are actually two disciplines;

Kumite. Literally meaning; "Meeting of Hands" this is the combat sport side of Karate. Where two competitors fight each other, with one emerging as the victor.

Kata. This is Karate as an artform, an exercise in self-discipline. The only person the competitor fights is themselves. As they expertly showcase the precise movements of Karate.

The video actually gave particular prominence to Kata. I don't think any Kumite was actually shown.

"Kata" is pronounced almost exactly the same as; "Qatar."

It was the Egyptian women who bested Kata. With Feryal Abdelaziz becoming the first Egyptian woman to win a Gold Medal.

In the combat Karate discipline of Kumite. Which is like doing Kata. While another Kata kicks and punches you.

There has been a lot of discussion. As to whether 'Kata' can continue as part of the Olympics?

Obviously Qatar are the main driving force behind the problem. Alongside being the easiest to discuss in this way.

However the problem is really anyone who is allied with Qatar. Or the Muslim Brotherhood. A Nation of Islam (NoI) like organisation.

The video also seemed to give a lot of prominence to female athletes.

In reference to that other Big Recurring Theme of these games. Alongside Britain's just, complete withdrawal from reality.

Improving rights for woman. Both globally and within Japanese society in particular.

Welcoming The Dignitaries.

It is IOC protocol. That each Closing Ceremony includes a section acknowledging and welcoming the dignitaries in attendance. 

This must include a representative of the IOC. Along with a representative of the host nation. 

Ceremonies are also normally attended by representatives of many of the participating nations. Depending on who is sulking or not.

As within the Opening Ceremony. This was a very subdued sequence. With Pandemic restrictions limiting attendence to just the people essential to uphold protocol.

So the IOC was represented by its President, Thomas Bach.

Somewhat interestingly Japan were not represented by Emperor Naruhito. Who represented them at the Opening Ceremony.

Instead Japan were represented by Fumihito, Crown Prince Akishino. The younger brother of Emperor Naruhito and his presumed heir.

Emperor Naruhito only ascended to the Chrysanthemum Throne in April 2019. When Emperor Akihito abdicated, in order to retire.

This is something that was utterly without precedent in Japanese history. As unprecedented a Catholic Pope Benedict XVI abdication and retirement in 2013.

Traditionally these Messiahs, in the Jewish sense. Are expected to die on the job. 

It is God or the gods who anointed them to rule. So it is up to God or the gods to decide when their employment is terminated.

Having Emperor Naruhito's presumed successor replace him here. References Emperor Akishino's abdication. 

Something which gripped Japan for many years. The abdication process alone lasted for months. At the end of a long debate over whether the Japanese public would ever allow it to take place.

It could also be taken as a little hint to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. That perhaps it's time for her to follow the lead of Pope Benedict and Emperor Akishino and quit.

Particularly as Britain seems to have a new Messiah in town.

Japan were also represented by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. Almost immediately after the Para-Olympics Prime Minister Suga announced he too was stepping down. Citing exhaustion.

He was formally succeeded by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on October 4th 2021 (4/10/21).


To be continued in Part 2.

18:30 on 29/12/21 (UK date).




Thursday 23 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.16

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 15;

It fell to Naomi Osaka to light the Olympic Cauldron. That vast structure designed to resemble the Sun rising over Mount Fuji.

To aid Naomi Osaka's ascent. The front of the Mountain/Pyramid opened. To reveal a hidden staircase.

That staircase was bathed in glowing orange light. To give the impression of a Volcanic Lava Flow.

To highlight that Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano.

Throughout the Opening Ceremony. The Olympic Cauldron structure has been attached to the Protocol Stage. 

With its very nautical theme. The Protocol Stage was a reference to the various "Black Ships" which have appeared in Japan over the years.

Starting with the Portuguese Black Ships in 1543. These opened up the first maritime trade routes between Europe and Asia.

Soon making the Silk Road across China redundant. By cutting the journey time between Europe and Asia to, just, three and a half years.

Recently China has been trying to resurrect the Silk Road. With it's; "New Silk Road" or; "One Belt, One Road Initiative." 

A network of modern transport infrastructure. Roads, Railway Lines, Air and Sea Ports, etc. 

Stretching across 70 nations along the Silk Road. Japan in the east. Through Europe in the west and down to Sub-Saharan Africa in the south.

In discussing this in the "Fun With Flags I" section. I told you to remember the seaport that China is building in Tanzania.

One of China's main interests in building this seaport in Tanzania. Is to give it access to neighbouring, land-locked Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 

The DRC is home to some of the World's largest deposits of what are known as; "Rare Earth Minerals." Things like Cobalt, Lithium, Niobium, Tungsten and Tantalam.

Rare Earth Minerals are essential to all modern electronics. Particularly batteries. Like the one in your phone, your tablet and, increasingly, your car. 

Obviously. The bigger the battery. The more of these Rare Earth Minerals you need.

China's other main interest in building this seaport in Tanzania. Is to allow it to export Chinese made products to the African market place.

Something which will only be possible if nations like the DRC are given a fair price for their Rare Earth Minerals. Unlike with the western business model. Which has long operated to the north. Through Rwanda, Kenya and Somalia.

In 2015 the Paris Agreement was signed.

The Paris Agreement will not stop Climate Change. The Paris Agreement is not intended to stop Climate Change.

The Paris Agreement is designed to give moron western politicians. The opportunity to make big, empty Kabuki-like pronouncements. To their equally idiot electorates.

While hoovering up as much tax as humanly possible from those idiot electorates.

Immediately following the signing of the Paris Agreement. One such Kabuki-like pronouncement which became particularly fashionable. 

Was to announce the banning of the sale of petrol and diesel powered vehicles. Replacing them with Electric Cars.

I think it was, the normally sensible, Norway that first proposed the idea. Back in 2016. 

Then it sort of spread, like wildfire. Amongst western, particularly European Union (EU) nations.

As always with these "Tulip Mania" fashion crazes. Absolutely no thought whatsoever had gone into any of this.

So as this succession of idiot politicians were making their Kabuki-style pronouncements. 

People who've followed global efforts to combat Climate Change, inter alia. Did find themselves thinking;

"We need a way to draw their attention to what day-to-day life is really like in the Democratic Republic of the Congo."

"The place we'll have to go to get all these electric vehicle batteries."

Then the Democratic Republic of the Congo experienced The 2018 Ebola Outbreak. The largest and longest lasting Ebola outbreak in history.

The Ebola Virus even appeared to choose to modify its behaviour. Making itself less lethal to prolong the outbreak. Which lasted for over two years.

This forced politicians, the World over. Through United Nations (UN) bodies like the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

To focus, intently. On what day-to-day life is really like in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The incredibly low rates of education. The incredibly high rates of poverty. The short life expectancies. The child labour. The child slavery. 

The extreme and random violence. Carried out by a chaotic patchwork of, essentially, gangsters and warlords. 

All fighting over scraps of natural resources. To sell, illegally, at far below their market value. 

Throughout this Opening Ceremony, and much of 2020. There has been some discussion.

As to whether the Pandemic could be the natural environment's violent punishment. For the Paris Agreement going into effect at the start of 2020.

This section of the Opening Ceremony has explored the possibility. That the debate over whether Nuclear Power could be considered a; "Green Technology" and the 3/11 Disaster. Could be another example.

The 2018 DRC Ebola outbreak. Does certainly appear to be another occasion. Where the natural environment has made its own contribution to the discussion over efforts to combat Climate Change.

This year, 2021. It seems that Volcanoes have been the part of the natural environment which have been the most vocal.

Things started in, technically, late December 2020. With the still ongoing eruption of the La Soufriere Volcano. Located on the St Vincent & the Grenadines island of St Vincent.

In May 2021 there was the start of the Mount Nyiragongo Volcanic eruption in the DRC itself. As with La Soufriere that eruption is still ongoing.

During the Olympics the very famous Mount Etna erupted. On the Italian island of Sicily. Greece got Volcano-like wildfires.

Shortly after the Para-Olympics. Cumbre Vieja erupted on the island of La Palma in the Spanish Canary Islands. An eruption that is only reported to have ended 10 days ago. December 11th 2021 (11/12/21).

Since then we've also had sizeable contributions from Mount Semeru in Indonesia. Along with the Hunga Ha'apai volcanic island which is part of Tonga.

These have, inevitably, drawn attention to; "Geothermal Power." A form of "Green" renewable electricity generation. Not to be confused with; "Heat Pumps." The Tulip Mania fad of 2021.

Nuclear Power Plants and Thermal Power Plants. Those which burn fossil fuels like Coal, Natural Gas as and Oil. Generate electricity in the same way.

They create heat to boil water. Turning it into steam. That steam is then used to spin a turbine which is connected to an electromagnet. Creating electricity.

Volcanic Lava, or molten rock, is already extremely hot

So to generate electricity from it. All you need to do is pipe water over it. Turning it into steam. Which then spins a turbine connected to an electromagnet.

So nations that have a Volcano. Already have the ability to generate all the electricity they need. 

It's not, strictly speaking, Carbon Neutral. However those Carbon Emissions will be happening anyway.

Iceland as a small, but More Economically Developed Country (MEDC). Actually generates around  25% of its power this way. 

More if you count the fact they don't actually need to heat their homes in the winter. Their stone floors do it for them.

Iceland's got so much Geothermal Power it keeps trying to give it away to European nations. If only they were prepared to pay to lay the long undersea cables required.

That is really one of the only problems with Geothermal Power. The upfront costs are expensive. 

Although nowhere near the costs of Nuclear or Thermal Power Plants. They are beyond the means of Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC's).

The sort of nations that tend to have volcanoes.

There are many, many things wrong with the Paris Agreement. 

For starters it's only 16 A4 pages long. Far less than the level of alia I've being forced to go into covering just an Olympic Opening Ceremony.

You could probably write 400 pages on what's wrong with each individual word in the Paris Agreement.

However one of the main problems is that it was introduced, at the last minute. By the former Biden regime. 

To block the replacement to the Kyoto Protocol that everyone else had spent the previous five years working on.

One of the big breakthroughs of those negotiations. Was the design of the so-called; "Hybrid Model" or; "Chimera Model."

Rich nations, those defined in Annex I of the Kyoto Protocol. Have already massively cut their Greenhouse Gas (ghg) emissions. 

Further reductions will be small and expensive. Offering little bang-for-the-buck, so to speak.

Poor nations, those defined in Annex II of the Kyoto Protocol. Can make massive reductions in their ghg emissions. But are prevented from doing so by the prohibitive upfront costs.

What the Hybrid Model would do. Is allow nations to share ghg reductions

So a richer country could pay for a poorer country to build something like a Geothermal Power Plant. Then count part of the ghg reductions as their own.

Obviously to devise the Carbon Accountancy rules needed to do that properly. You would need a lot more than 16 A4 pages.

This Hybrid Model would also bring a significant, what are known in the jargon, as; "Co-Benefits."

A lot of these less economically developed nations. Are less economically developed because they lack reliable, grid-scale electricity supply and distribution networks. 

The thing behind the flick-of-the-switch that makes the lights go on in homes in rich nations. 

Take Nigeria. Which constantly argues with South Africa. Over who is the richest country in Africa.

It's estimated that Nigeria's economy would grow by some 188%, to over US$90tn. If only it could sort out its electricity supply problems.

Even before you start discussing how the electricity is produced. Reliable grid-scale supply and distribution networks massively cut ghg emissions. By eliminating the need for very dirty petrol and diesel powered domestic generators.

It is the building of this grid-scale supply and distribution network. Which is a large part of the upfront costs of Geothermal Power.

Costs which, under the Hybrid Model, could be met by rich nations. In exchange for shared ghg emission reductions.

So the 2021 verdict from the natural environment seems to be the same as its 2020 verdict;

Scrap The Paris Agreement.

It's an insult to every braincell that's ever worked on the problem.

At around 18:20 on 23/12/21 (UK date) I'll try to pick this up after dinner.

Edited at around 20:45 on 23/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

It was the eruption of Mount Nyriagongo which alarmed me the most though.

Coming as it did. Almost to the moment. That the Grand Final of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest began.

A moment I ushered in with the song; "Superstar." From the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical; "Jesus Christ: Superstar."

I write under the name; "Sovereign." Meaning; "King" or; "Messiah."

On both hands I have thermal burn scars. In  the shape of what is said to be Jesus Christ's Stigmata.

So, at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. The Israeli hosts declared me to be their Messiah. The King of those Jews.

As a joke!

A way to dismiss claims that I had been anti-Semitic in my coverage of their 2018 Song Contest victory. Something Twitter are still attempting to use to justify their material support for Genocide.

A very camp, Eurovisiony dismissal;

"Offended?! Oh no, dear. We worship him like a god!"

While starting a discussion about the role of a Messiah within Judaism. One key area where it differs from Christianity. Although, not as much from Islam.

Then I appeared to conjure a Biblical plague. With which to smite my enemies. Causing the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest to be cancelled. For the first time in its history.

Something which has got to be the height of anti-Semitism. A Messiah performing magic tricks.

I thought that rather made; "Superstar" my theme music for the 2021 Song Contest.

Apparently gaining the power to make a volcano erupt. Just like the song's references to moving mountains.

Certainly made my nerves jangle a bit.

What makes it even worse. Is that I don't do my Song Contest coverage live.

I mean I do it as live. I just do those little postcards three to four hours beforehand. Meaning they're available to my paywall readers. Including all Song Contest participants.

Which serves as another reminder to the US/UK. Particularly the US.

That we do the Eurovision Song Contest every year. To each other. For fun.

So working with a popstar like Miley Cyrus. To put on a big performance addressing some of the main talking points of the day.

Is a matter of routine. It is something that is very much within our comfort zone.

In fact. Provided that you can accept that other people really do exist. They aren't just creations of your superior intellect.

It can be highly enjoyable. Nurturing even.

As we've mentioned though;

My relationship with Miley Cyrus was hijacked by the Incompetent and the Insane.

Making it impossible.

Rather like these Olympics. As it turned out.

So that "Superstar" comment had actually been sitting there for a couple of hours. Bubbling away.

Just waiting for the right moment to burst forth.

The Eurovision Song Contest also looked at China's One Belt, One Road Initiative. With particular reference to its expansion into Africa.  

Also with particular reference to the EU's Infrastructure orientated Pandemic recovery fund. The one the gay-rights-for-gays mob forced the EU to get into an extremely bloody fight with itself over.

Proving that things really do happen because of the Eurovision Song Contest. 

In December 2021 the EU announced its "Global Gateway Initiative." An infrastructure fund specifically to rival China's One Belt, One Road.

Something which will, no doubt, emerge as the Tulip Mania fad of 2022.

The One Belt, One Road Initiative was particularly raised by Azerbaijan. With it's; "Silkway Star" Efendi and her song; "Mata Hari."

An entry which seems to share a lot with this Opening Ceremony.

While Sweden were represented by Tousin Michael Chiza; "Tusse." A child refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Who performed the song; "Voices."

Amid (light) Fields of Lithium Green. And Red Rivers of Blood.

The Paris Agreement seems to be the only area where the current Biden regime is still prepared to accept the concept of; "Binary Differentiation."

Apparently you can divide entire nations of people into either Annex I or Annex II. Then they're frozen there forever. No fluidity allowed whatsoever.

But don't dare ever try saying that about just one person. Particularly not on Twitter.

At around 21:20 on 23/12/21 (UK date) I think I'm at the summit. But will need to gas up before crowning it.

Edited at around 19:25 on 26/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

The Cauldron itself was intended to resemble the Rising Sun. Or, in Malay; "Mata Hari."

As Naomi Osaka reached the summit of the Mount Fuji pyramid. This white orb began to rotate and open.

Something which showcases Japan's global leadership in the field of robotics.

To achieve this singular, smooth motion. Required an awful lot of motors, gears and servos. Not only to work perfectly. But to work perfectly together, in unison.

Something with was only achieved under computer control. Making this probably the most technologically advanced Olympic Cauldron ever. Certainly the most advanced I've ever seen.

It's barely even Kindergarten level stuff though. Compared to what Japan does with humaniod robots and Artificial Intelligence. 

The opening of the Cauldron was supposed to resemble a flower opening into bloom. 

Particularly a Lotus flower. Often used in Asian Animist religions as a metaphor for the journey towards enlightenment. 

Japan though prefers to put its own twist on the metaphor. Using the Cherry Blossom instead.

However we were first introduced to the Olympic Cauldron structure. During the section of the Opening Ceremony I entitled; "Intermission!"

A section that could be simply summed up as;

"Hiromi excitedly masturbates her clitoris. Preparing her vagina to receive Kamaraku Gongoro Kagemasa's enormous penis."

With the pearl-like nub of the Olympic Cauldron representing Hiromi's clitoris.

From that perspective. The opening of the Olympic Cauldron would signal that Hiromi is now ready to receive that enormous penis. A widely used metaphor. Particularly in literary erotic fiction.

Although if you were thinking about things that way. I don't know what you'd make of the massive gash down the middle of the Pyramid. In which Naomi Osaka seemed so uncomfortable.

As it moved to open the Cauldron also resembled the logo of the Para-Olympics

The; "Agitos." Latin for; "I Move." Designed by an advertising agency in 1992 the Para-Olympic logo is supposed to encapsulate movement.

Another big reference to the Para-Olympics. Here in the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics.

Japan again expressing its desire for parity between the Olympics and Para-Olympics. Viewing this as the opening ceremony for one, long continuous event.

The Olympic Cauldron was then lit.

In an Olympic first the Cauldron was fuelled by Hydrogen Gas. Normally they use Natural Gas or some other Oil derivative. Such as Propane Gas.

It might surprise you to learn. It certainly surprised me.

That the first motor cars were actually either electrically powered of fuelled by Hydrogen Gas.

The first Electric Car was invented by Hungarian engineer Anyos Jedlik and French Physicist Gaston Plane in 1859. 

The Hydrogen fuelled car was invented even earlier. In 1806 by Swiss inventor and politician Francois Isaac de Rivaz.

The technology though became redundant. By the discovery of how to derive a much more efficient fuel, Gasoline, from Oil. 

With the first Gasoline fuelled car being produced by German engineer Karl Benz. In 1886.

In more recent years though. As Climate Change has made us more of the damage done by fossil fuels, like Oil and Gasoline.  

There has been a renewed interest in Electric and Hydrogen Cars as an alternative.

Since the early-1990's there's been something of a Battle of Technologies. Between Hydrogen Cars and Electric cars.

Something similar to the 1970/80's Battle of Technology. Between the Betamax and VHS video recording systems.

Or similar to the mid-2000's Battle of Technology. Between the HD DVD and Blu-ray digital recording systems.

As people who remember the Betamax versus VHS Battle. Or the HD DVD versus Blu-ray Battle. Will well know.

The better technology. Has a nasty habit of losing out to the better marketed technology.

We're seeing the same thing in the Hydrogen versus Electric Battle. 

With, particularly EU, nations falling over themselves to ban Gasoline Cars. Forcing them to be replaced by Electric Cars. While everyone seems to have forgotten about Hydrogen Cars.

Suggesting Elon Musk should've named his company; "Edison." Even if the more appropriate; "Con Edison" is already taken.

I think it was the US TV show; "Family Guy" that pointed out;

"Thomas Edison was an absolute d*ck. Look it up."

As they did with Betamax. As they did with HD DVD. Japan has broken with the herd. Investing in and adopting Hydrogen technology.

During the current, post-Paris Agreement Tulip Mania. Everyone seems to have overlooked the massive problems with Electric Cars.

As the 2018 Ebola Outbreak showed the World. There are many complex ethical issues in where and how you obtain the vast amount of Rare Earth Minerals needed for Electric cars.

These Rare Earth Minerals are a finite resource. Like Fossil Fuels such as Coal, Oil and Natural Gas. They will run out.

Like Fossil Fuels they also have to been mined. A very energy intensive process which does significant environmental damage. 

Such as digging a series of massive holes in the environment. Where previously stood things like forests and farmland.

These Rare Earth Minerals then need to be transported. In order to be manufactured and chemically engineered into batteries.

Other very energy intensive processes. Which also produce significant environmental damage. Particularly toxic acid runoff into the water supply.

Polestar, an Electric car maker, admits. That when you consider just all the energy inputs. One of their cars will need to drive some 75,000 miles (120,000km) before the battery alone becomes Carbon Neutral

They only expect the batteries to last for 100,000 miles (160,000km). If you're lucky.

Part of the reason why Hydrogen Cars have fallen by the wayside a bit. Has been the obsession with Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology.

This involves combining Hydrogen and Oxygen in a chemical cell - a battery, essentially. To produce electricity. Which then powers an electrical motor and, in turn, the vehicle it's all mounted in.

This is an absolutely idiotic idea. Basically you've got to build an Electric car. Then build a more complicated, expensive and polluting battery to fuel it.

When you could just stop at an Electric car.

The much better technology. The much simpler technology. Is the original technology.

Setting fire to Hydrogen in an internal combustion engine. Just as you set fire to Gasoline in an internal combustion engine.

The main drawback of this is that Gasoline has an Energy Density of 34.2. Meaning for every 1 litre of Gasoline you burn you get 34.2 Megajoules of energy.

Whereas Hydrogen liquid has an Energy Density of just 10. So 10 Megajoules of energy for every 1 litre of Hydrogen burned.

In short. You'll need to fill up your Hydrogen car three times as often as your Gasoline car.

From a Climate Change perspective the main advantage of Hydrogen is that it doesn't release any Greenhouse Gases (ghg's) when burned. Or any other environmental pollutants. Just water.

The other advantage Hydrogen has over Gasoline is that it is renewable. You can make as much of it as you need. It's actually made out of Methane, the most potent Green House Gas (ghg).

India, particularly its capital New Delhi. Has a huge, annual problem with smog.

In large part this is caused by farmers burning stubble from their fields. Essentially the roots and stems left over after they've harvested their crops.

Indonesia is also notorious for this. Due to their propensity to smother other people's cities in smog.

What they could do instead. Is use machines to dig up that crop stubble and stick into in a metal silo to decompose. 

Capturing and selling the Methane produced to be made into Hydrogen. Will using the remaining organic matter as fertilizer.

Just two co-benefits. To go along with not having their cities choked by smog.

Since the Olympics we've seen COP26. The first UNFCCC Summit since the Paris Agreement.

As they were trying to highlight the absolute idiocy of the Paris Agreement. This saw the big Kabuki-like pronouncement. Of 106 nations pledging to cut global Methane emissions.

This was either them admitting that the Paris Agreement does not work. And will not work. Or it was them showing they haven't even understood the basics.

Within the UNFCCC all ghg's are talked about in terms of their; "Carbon Equivalency." How their effects can be calculated relative to Carbon Dioxide.

In part this is because there are, at least, 25 Greenhouse Gases (ghg's). With the chemicals industry seeming to invent new ones every day.

However it is also due to the fact that Carbon Dioxide is non-reactive. It doesn't break-down when it comes in contact with other chemical compounds.

So Carbon Dioxide that was released into the atmosphere at the start of the Industrial Revolution. In the 19th Century. Is still up there. Still warming the planet.

Methane is the most potent ghg. It has the greatest warming effect. Yet it is highly reactive, breaking down quickly. Methane released into the atmosphere as recently as the year 2000 has already gone.

So when the UNFCCC talk about cutting "Carbon Emissions." They're already talking about cutting Methane Emissions. Along with emissions of the 23 other ghg's.

You would think. Those 106 nations really should have known that.

One of the main areas of Methane emissions is from animal waste. The Methane released when the dung of farm animals decomposes.

As with crop stubble. This could be put into a metal silo. Capturing that Methane to make Hydrogen.

The problem is that when you use the cheapest method. Making Hydrogen from Methane produces about the same amount of ghg emissions as a Gasoline Car.

Leaving you just a less efficient fuel that still causes Global Warming and Climate Change.

However there are many other ways to make Hydrogen from Methane.

You can apply Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to that cheapest method. Capturing the ghg emissions created during the process. Then just burying them in the ground or using them for something else. Like keeping food fresh.

You can also make Hydrogen from Methane using Electrolysis. Using an electrical current to separate the Hydrogen from the Methane.

Assuming you use a Carbon Neutral source of electricity. This is entirely Carbon Neutral.

It is though complicated, expensive and low yield. Meaning you don't get much Hydrogen for your efforts.

You can also make Hydrogen from Methane by heating it. Rather than seeing the Carbon released as Carbon Dioxide gas. It sees it broken down into a solid form. Ash, essentially. Which is easily collected and disposed of.

This process costs only slightly more than the cheapest method. It also produces a similarly high yield.

Its Carbon Neutrality though is entirely dependent on the fuel you use to produce this heat.

Throughout this I talked about; "Electric Cars" and; "Hydrogen Cars." As opposed to; "Electric Vehicles" and; "Hydrogen Vehicles."

That's because those terms refer to all Electric and Hydrogen fuelled vehicles. As diverse as cars, aeroplanes, ships, trains etc.

I think the term I'm really looking for. Is the much more clumsy sounding; "Electric Road Vehicle" and; "Hydrogen Road Vehicle."

There is definitely significant potential for Hydrogen to be used as a fuel for large fleet vehicles. Such as buses and delivery trucks.

Road vehicles which operate on set routes. With set fuel consumption. 

That are maintained by dedicated teams. Who source their own fuel to their own depots. Rather than just popping down to the local forecourt.

Hydrogen Cars also don't catch fire and explode with anything like the ease Electric Cars.

Germany has invested heavily in replacing Diesel buses with Electric buses. Part of the current Tulip Mania.

In March 2021 one of those shiny new buses caught fire and exploded in its depot in Dusseldorf. The fire immediately spread to 39 more of those shiny new buses and the depot itself. Destroying them and causing millions of US Dollars of damage.

In June 2021 one of those buses caught fire and exploded in its depot in Hanover. The fire immediately spread to and destroyed 8 other buses and the depot itself. Causing millions of US Dollars of damage.

In September 2021. Another of those buses caught fire and exploded in its depot in Stuttgart. Immediately setting fire to another 24 buses and the depot itself. Causing millions of US Dollars of damage

Germany is now re-thinking its use of Electric buses.

Even one of my neighbours. Was recently excited to get an Electric powered bike.

They were a lot less excited a couple of weeks later. When their house burned down.

There are already rumblings. About the unacknowledged fire risk of Electric Road Vehicles. Being a structural threat to the global insurance marketplace.

The area where Hydrogen has the most potential though is in Heavy Industry.

Industries that are so extremely energy intensive. They have to produce their own energy on site.

It's simply too expensive to buy that much energy off a national supply and distribution grid. If that national supply and distribution grid was even able to supply that much energy.

The classic example is Steel Manufacturing.

To make Steel you have to heat Iron to incredibly high temperatures, around 1,700°C, in a Blast Furnace. Most Blast Furnaces are fuelled by; "Coke."

In order to make Coke you have to heat Coal to extremely high temperatures, around 2,000°C, in a Kiln.  A process known as; "Pyrolysis."

These Kilns are normally fuelled by Coal.

So to make Steel you have to burn an awful lot of Coal to make Coke. A substance like Coal. Which you then have to burn an awful lot of.

From a Climate Change perspective. That's just utter insanity.

Another example would be Cement Production. Where Limestone and Clay are ground together to make meal. Which is then heated in a Kiln to around 1,450°C.

If Cement production was a country. Then it would be the third largest emitter of ghg's. Beating India into fourth place.

This Pyrolysis process is used in the manufacture of all sorts of chemicals. Including Ammonia Nitrate Fertilizers

The use of which were heavily promoted and expanded during the Second Agricultural/Green Revolution. Mentioned in section discussing the Harmonised Chequered (Ichimatsu Moro) Tokyo 2020 emblem.

Under the Kyoto Protocol a lot of Annex I nations switched to Natural Gas rather than Coal in these heavy industries. As a way to reach their emission targets.

There's actually a relatively famous story. Of how then British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Became so tired and so disorientated during an EU meeting on the Kyoto Protocol. 

He didn't know whether he's signed Britain up to emission reductions in just the domestic sector. Or the domestic sector and the industrial sector. As he had ended up doing.

Obviously that's a story put around by his political enemies. But one people familiar with that type of meeting have absolutely no trouble believing.

You may have noticed. That around the time of the Olympics there was a global spike in Natural Gas prices. Putting energy companies out of business across Britain and the EU.

It also caused a global slowdown in Fertilizer production. Which in turn caused a shortage of Carbon Dioxide gas. Used in food and drink production.

I'm sure you're also aware of what the incompetent and the insane genuinely believed caused this. No matter how much evidence is presented contrary to their unshakeable belief.

There are actually nine ways to make Hydrogen from Methane. Each of which has been assigned its own colour.

So the cheapest method is known as; "Grey Hydrogen."

When it's used alongside CCS it is known as; "Blue Hydrogen."

The Electrolysis method is known as; "Green Hydrogen."

While the Pyrolysis method, using extreme heat, is known as; "Turquoise Hydrogen."

These colours and methods are arranged into something of; "Hydrogen Spectrum."

Rather like the; "Visible Light Spectrum." Part of the; "Electromagnetic Spectrum." As discussed in the Harmonised Chequered (Ichimatsu Moro) section.

This seems to be something of a Chemists joke.

No matter how it is produced. Hydrogen is colourless. When it is burned it is also colourless.

Meaning the World's Chemists are now probably peeling off into working groups. To discuss what chemical Japan added to the Olympic Cauldron to make the Hydrogen flame burn orange.

Creating never before seen; "Orange Hydrogen."

With the Olympic Cauldron lit. The Opening Ceremony came to an end.

With the now traditional Big Firework Finish.

There was though one last little bit. That we were not able to see.

Japanese fire regulations do not allow for a huge naked flame. To be left burning inside a building all day and all night. For weeks on end.

So after the ceremony had finished. A lamp was lit from the Cauldron before it was extinguished.

Then, in private. Ayaka Takahashi. The Japanese Badminton Gold Medallist, 2016. Used that lamp to light another Olympic Cauldron, identical to this one.

That Olympic Cauldron was located outside of the Olympic Park.

Serving as another beacon. 

To all the Tokyo residents who Pandemic restrictions were preventing from going to the big party. That they were paying to host. 


20:25 on 26/12/21 (UK date).

Thursday 16 December 2021

The 2020 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony Pt.15.

To be read as a direct continuation of Part 14;

Olympic Torch Relay.

A short video was played. Showing the highlights of the Olympic Torch Relay.

This is a piece of International Olympic Committee (IOC) protocol. Which really highlights the IOC's enthusiasm for Nazi and Fascist values.

The Torch Relay was invented by the German Nazi Party. Specifically by its Ministry of Propaganda ahead of the 1936 Summer Games. Held in Berlin, Germany.

Like so many other aspects of Nazism. The IOC decided they liked it so much they were going to keep it.

As I think we all know. The Olympic Flame is lit, by the Sun, in the Ancient Greek city of Olympia. It is then transported, inside a lamp, to the Olympic host country.

The Flame is then transferred to a succession of Olympic Torches. Which are then paraded around the host country by a relay of people.

The purpose is to attract crowds and attention. In an effort to build excitement and momentum ahead of the games.

This year the Pandemic has meant that everybody, including Japan. Have been trying to avoid having large crowds of people gathering.

However IOC protocol dictated that Japan had to go ahead with the Torch Relay anyway.

Creating this rather strange situation of them trying to do a publicity stunt. In secret.

So the video of the Torch Relay highlights was nothing special. Due to the Torch Relay being nothing special. 

Just a succession of people carrying a flaming torch alone. In a wide, open space.

That should not be taken as a slight against the hosts. I think we all understand. There were some issues they had to deal with.

The video though does give us an opportunity to discuss The Design of the Olympic Torch.

This was intended to resemble the shape of a Cherry Blossom. Japan's national flower. Which holds great importance within Japanese society.

As was discussed during the sequence with the Japanese National Anthem (Fun With Flags I). 

There is the popular practice within Japan of Hanami (Flower Viewing). In which people gather together beneath the pretty and sweet smelling Cherry Blossoms.

Cherry Blossoms are also hugely symbolic with Japan's Asian, Animist beliefs. 

Their beauty is fragile and shortlived. Encapsulating the concept of Mono No Aware (The Suffering Of Things). Similar to the concept of Memento Mori (Remember That You Must Die).

This is something Cherry Blossoms share with the Lotus flower. Frequently used in Buddhism as a metaphor for the journey towards enlightenment. 

Key to which is the realisation. That age, sickness and death are the inevitable fate of all living things.

The torches themselves are made of aluminium

Specifically aluminium recycled from temporary housing erected to house the 340,000+ people displaced by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Disaster. Some for many years.

Although it has offered many hints. The Opening Ceremony hasn't included a specific section to talk about the so-called "3/11 Disaster" directly. So I will use this opportunity to talk about it.

On March 11th 2011 (11/3/11) a Magnitude 9.1 Earthquake struck around 75km (45 miles) off Japan's Tokohu Region. It lasted for a full six minutes.

It was the most powerful Earthquake ever recorded it Japan. It was the fourth most powerful Earthquake ever recorded anywhere.

On any given day there are hundreds of Earthquakes recorded all over the World. We've been keeping detailed records of Earthquakes since 1900.

So take a moment to think about what that truly means. To say that something is the fourth most powerful Earthquake ever recorded.

The Earthquake immediately had a significant impact within Japan. Causing some US$34bn worth of damage to buildings and infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

That though was just the start.

The Earthquake triggered a Tsunami Wave. A 6 metre (20 foot) tall, fast-moving, wall of water. Which smashed into all of the eastern side of Japan. With the Prefectures of Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi bearing the brunt.

This was the second biggest Tsunami ever recorded.

We have been recording Tsunamis for thousands of years.

So, again. Take a moment to think about what that truly means. To say something is the second biggest Tsunami ever recorded.

The damage that it caused to Japan is almost impossible to comprehend.

It injured more than 6,000 people. While it killed more than 20,000 people. 

More than 2,500 of whose bodies were never recovered. They just disappeared into the sea.

Some 230,000 vehicles were destroyed. While some 120,000 buildings were totally destroyed. With a further 280,000 further buildings being partially destroyed. Leaving those 340,000+ severely traumatised people homeless.

You may have noticed that I end my posts by giving the time and date in my location.

That tradition began on March 3rd 2011. As we were all trying to track the Tsunami as it travelled across the Pacific Ocean, backwards across the International Date Line.

Fearful that we would see that level of destruction stretch down the west coast of the American Continent. From Alaska down to Chile.

The Tsunami also overwhelmed The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Causing its vital cooling system to fail. Leading to three Reactor Meltdowns and several explosions.

Since 1990 Nuclear Incidents are measured using the; "International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES)." Fukushima was a Level 7 event. The highest possible event.

The only other Level 7 event was the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster. Which, technically, only saw one Reactor Meltdown and two explosions. 

However, unlike at Fukushima-Daiichi, that was an uncontained explosion. Which triggered a massive fire that emitted radiative smoke for several weeks.

All of that happend to Japan. In just 15 minutes.

In 2020 we saw the World almost completely shutdown. Including the delay to these Olympic Games. 

All in response to a Coronavirus. Which normally wouldn't be considered even a third of the Common Cold.

So I think it is fair to say. That any one of the events of 3/11 would have completely broken most nations.

However life wasn't done with Japan yet.

Prior to 3/11 Japan generated around 30% of its electricity from Nuclear Power Plants. In response to 3/11 Japan was forced to shutdown 46 of its 50 Nuclear Power Plants.

Effectively cutting off 30% of their electricity at the flick of a switch. With nothing there to replace it.

This caused a decade long energy crisis

With blackouts, rolling blackouts and brownouts affecting all of Japanese society. A society which is probably more dependent than most on technology and electrical gadgets.

All beause there simply was not enough electricity to supply demand. Not at any price. It just was not there.

So I think the Japanese people can be incredibly proud. Of how they managed to just keep going in response to 3/11.

Charting Japan's recovery from 3/11 was the stated aim of awarding them the 2020 Summer Olympics. Back in 2013.

So that is probably why there hasn't been a specific section dedicated to 3/11. This is supposed to be the symbolic end of the journey. The point where everybody can start to forget and move on.

Throughout this Opening Ceremony and 2020. There has been some discussion.

As the whether the Pandemic could be the natural environment's violent revenge. For the Paris Agreement on Climate Change going into effect at the start of 2020.

If you've been tracking the detail of global efforts to combat Climate Change. Then you can see a possible, similar connection with 3/11 and Fukushima-Daiichi in particular.

At "COP16." The 16th Conference Of Parties. To the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Held in Cancun, Mexico in December 2010.

There was a big argument over whether Nuclear Power could be classed as a; "Green Technology." For the purposes of the UNFCCC's Finance and Technology Transfer mechanisms.

It ended in a rough agreement that it shouldn't be. 

When you consider all the inputs over the extremely long life of Nuclear Power generation. It can't even be considered Energy Neutral. Let alone Carbon Neutral.

That is even before you get into the safety issue.

It was though expected that the argument would continue. At the UNFCCC's spring meeting. To be held in March/April 2011.

Then 3/11 happened. Suddenly all the people who'd be pushing for Nuclear Power were like;

"Nope. We're good."

As all the people who were opposed to Nuclear being considered a Green Technology. Were trying to cope in the midst of 3/11 with the thought.

"Well. That's proved our point!"

Prior to the shame that is the Paris Agreement. The plan was for the Kyoto Protocol to be replaced with a much stronger, legally binding mechanism to combat Climate Change.

This led to a lot of discussion about what would constitute; "Force Majeure." The legal concept that allows for the breaking of a contract. In this case Green House Gas (ghg) emission reduction commitments.

3/11 and Japan's subsequent energy crisis, which ran throughout the negotiations. Gave us a massive example of what would constitute Force Majeure.

As Japan had to begin every meeting in the negotiations. By going through the humilation of;

"Yes. We know it's our name on it. But we really can't meet our obligations under the Kyoto Protocol anymore."

The music accompanying the video was "Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together)" by British Rock band Queen.

The song is about being parted from a loved one. Although it is never made clear whether that parting is due to distance or death.

The lyrics heavily invoke imagery used widely within Asian Animist religions. 

The same Moon, the same Wind. Time being nothing but an illusion. Feeling the blossoming flower as if it was the touch of your loved one. 

As has been discussed. Particularly in reference to the Ichimatso Moro (Harmonised Chequered) Tokyo 2020 emblem. 

Through concepts such as Naraka. Asian Animist religions see death merely as another form of distance.

The chorus of the song is sung in Japanese. As is the title of the song; "Teo Torriate (Hand In Hand And)." Although that is a grammatically curious combination of "Hand (Teo, 4-4-3)" and the particle "Wo" (2-3-1).

As has been mentioned a few times during this Opening Ceremony. I have a tattoo in Japanese. Despite the appalling libel in The Offspring song; "Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)." I know exactly what it means.

Including the deliberate grammatical error.

I'm sure though this 1976 Queen song will have been a lot of people's only exposure to the Japanese language. 

At around 18:30 on 16/12/21 (UK date) there is still so much to continue with.

Edited at around 20:10 on 16/12/21 (UK date) to quickly tidy the above and copy & paste;

If you were so inclined. I'm sure now we've mentioned it. You could use the Olympics and Para-Olympics to discuss all aspects of the band Queen.

Its music. Its members.

Such as the lead singer Freddie Mercury

Who was born Farrokh Bulsara, in Tanzania. To Indian parents.

India being the Birthplace of Buddhism. Its current main religion being the similarly Asian Animist Hinduism. 

Even if Freddie Mercury's own parents were followers Zoroastrianism. A religion that even I need to read up on.

The Yezidi religion is pre-Zoroastrian. In Syria and Iraq they've been fighting alongside Shia Muslims. Who are definitely post-Zoroastrian.

It was the one topic. That no-one was interested in talking about.

You could talk about Freddie Mercury's Homosexuality. Along with his Cross-Dressing in the video for; "I Want To Break Free."

I suppose you could even talk about Freddie Mercury's friendship with Britain's Princess Diana.

Due to my paternal Grandfather being part of Lord Mountbatten's security detail. As part of a long, sketchy military career.

Growing up I actually met Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Prince William, Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cornwall. Several times.

I mean, it's not like we went to school together. Although we are certainly talking about more than once. 

As you may have guessed from me meeting Prince Charles & Princess Diana. Along with me meeting Prince Charles & the Duchess of Cornwall.

It must be said. That in person I found Princess Diana to be particularly unpleasant.

However if we must talk about Princess Diana. I suppose we could also talk about "Candle In The Wind." The 1976 song Elton John reworked for her 1997 funeral.

Perhaps we could talk about the certain, actionable musical similarities. Between Candle In The Wind and the earlier Teo Terriate.

As people who remember his 2005 Live 8 performance. Alongside Pete Doherty. Will know. Over the years Elton John has certainly had a lot to say about me.

That's despite him still not having achieved a level in life. Where he would be granted an audience with me. 

I certainly wasn't in his Live 8 audience.

I suppose we could also talk about Freddie Mercury's death from HIV/AIDS.

We could certainly talk about my use of his version of; "The Great Pretender." To mock the Paris Agreement.

I think primarily though Japan was trying to remind us that Brian May holds a PhD in Astrophysics. 

Putting him alongside various other Astrophysicists mentioned in this Opening Ceremony. Such as Willebrord Snellius, Ernest Rutherford, Paul Villard, Carl Sagan etc.

Meaning it would be interesting to hear. Brian May's views on the similarities between Quantum Field Theory and Asian Animist religions.

Or, perhaps. That's what we've just heard.

Teo Terriate is taken from the Queen album; "A Day At The Races." 

Not to be confused with the rather racist song; "Camptown Races." Which was used to draw extra attention to the Equestrian Pictograms. In the earlier "Pictogram Round" section of the ceremony.

A reminder of how the US/UK were adamant that Miley Cyrus and I couldn't speak directly to each other. As that would be a secret, which no-one else would be able to see.

While I was using it as an opportunity. To teach everybody about the Cavaletti method of horse training. Pioneered by Gold Medallist in Men's Dressage at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, Reiner Klimke.

The cover art for A Day At The Races features a massive, central "Q." The same icon used by the American "QAnon" movement.

Making this seem very much like. Japan actively endorsing and promoting QAnon. Particularly its central tenet;

There is No Such Person as President Joe Biden


At around 20:35 on 16/12/21 (UK date) you notice it now, don't you. 

Edited at around 17:50 on 20/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Olympic Cauldron Lighting.

As the video ended. The Olympic Torch Relay made its way into the arena. To allow the Olympic Cauldron to be lit.

Like the third generation of the Kamiyo-nanayo. The first Torch Bearers arrived in a pair. Tadahiro Nomura and Saori Yoshida.

Tadahiro Nomura is one of Japan's most famous Olympians. He won three back-to-back Gold Medals at the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Olympics. All in the traditionally male combat sport of Judo.

Saori Yoshida is another extremely famous Japanese Olympian. She also won back-to-back Gold Medals. At the 2004, 2008, 2012 Olympics. Along with a Silver Medal at the 2016 Olympics. 

All in the traditionally male combat sport of wrestling.

Together they reference that recurring theme of both the ceremony and the games. Improving rights for women within Japanese society. Here by exploring traditional gender roles.

As if to further highlight the Third generation of the Kamiyo-nanayo. The Olympic Torch was then passed to a trio or Thrupple of Torch Bearers.

Shigeo Nagashima, Sadaharu Oh and Hideki "Godzilla" Matsui. Three massive Japanese Baseball stars. 

Japan is probably the only country outside of America where Baseball is extremely popular. Having been introduced by American troops that have been stationed in Japan since the end of the Second World War.

Shigeo Nagashima spent his career with the Yomirui Giants. Where he won the Japanese equivalent of the World Series eleven times as a player. Then a further three times as manager. He was inducted into the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame in 1988.

Sadaharu Oh was a teammate of Shigeo Nagashima at the Yomirui Giants. Sharing in those eleven Japan Series victories. He was inducted into the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame in 1994.

Hideki Matsui began his career with the Yomiuri Giants. Winning the Japan Series three times. 

Hideki Matsui then moved to America where he played for the Tampa Bay Rays, the Oakland Athletics and Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Along with the very famous New York Yankees.

It was while in America that he picked up the nickname; "Godzilla." Which the Japanese probably find tacky, bordering on the offensive.

As anyone watching could see. Shigeo Nagashima and Sadaharu Oh are now both old men. Aged 85 and 81 respectively. Shigeo Nagashima appeared particularly frail. Having suffered a stroke in 2004.

Appearing alongside them. The 47 year old Hideki Matsui almost gave the impression of being their nurse or careworker.

This was a reference to another recurring theme of the ceremony and the games.

In 2006 Britain just completely withdrew from reality. Retreating into a fantasy world of these amazing things it was going to achieve.

Prominent amongst those fantasy achievements. Was for me to teach them, for free. How to become world leaders in meeting the healthcare needs of the elderly. With a particular focus on Dementia.

That is a hugely profitable and growing market with economically developed nations seeing increasingly older populations. Particularly in nations such as Japan which is said to have a; "Super-Aging Population."

To give you an idea. In Japan in a typical year around US$500m is spent on diapers for babies. While 2.5 times that, around US$1.4bn is spent on diapers for elderly adults.

Just in Japan. The total, annual market for such elderly care products is in excess of US$900bn.

To get a piece of that action. Britain systematically tortured and killed my paternal Grandmother. While forcing me to watch.

They even used my attempts to mount legal challenges against their behaviour. In an effort to disrupt and collapse global efforts to combat Climate Change.

Her husband, my paternal Grandfather. His long, sketchy military career. Including as part of the security detail for Lord Mountbatten, the current British Queen's de facto father-in-law.

Apparently, that all counted for nothing.

Yet here Shigeo Nagashima and Sadaharu Oh still stand. Frailly clinging on. In the hope that Britain's amazing achievement will finally emerge.

This was Japan, as a friend and ally of Britain. Trying to give them an opportunity. Pleading with them almost.

To look at what it thought it was going to achieve when it withdrew from reality back in 2006. Then compare it to what it has actually achieved.

As everyone seems obsessed with mathematical modelling at the moment. I suppose we could assign those lists numerical values. Then compare them on a T-cell balance sheet.

That total should then be compared to the costs that Britain has incurred. Since its decision to withdraw from reality.

If Britain has achieved none of the things it set out to achieve. Then a rational person would conclude that it has been a complete failure. A big, fat zero.

A rational person would then want to reverse that failure. If only to cut the expense it is costing.

Ironically. One of the other things Britain dreamed it was going to achieve. When it completely withdrew from reality. Was similar global leadership in Mental Healthcare. Their Cyrille Tchatchet boast.

One of the key tools, approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO), to diagnose Mental Illness. Is the Mental Status Examination (MSE). 

Which is not to be confused with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Used in the diagnosis of Dementia.

The Mental Status Examination considers a person across 10 areas or "Domains." The largest of which is; "Thought Content." 

The most serious problem with Thought Content are; "Delusions." 

Does the person have a provably false belief? That they refuse to let go of. Not matter much evidence is presented proving to them that their belief is false.

There is a particular sub-type of Delusion. Grandiose Delusions. Where the sufferer thinks that have exceptional, superior knowledge and power.

Such as a belief they have magical superpowers. Which allow them to perform elaborate Jedi mind-tricks to control all the inferior beings.

So I don't think it should really come as a surprise to anyone.

That as their failure and desperation has mounted. In recent years Britain, and increasingly this year America. 

Seem to have become increasingly fixated and obsessed with the issue of Mental Health and Mental Illness.

Who is Sane? And who, very obviously, isn't.

The next Torch Bearers also came in a pair. Like the fourth generation of the Kamiyo-nanayo.

Although no-one seems to have caught their names. They were a male Doctor and a female Nurse.

Again exploring traditional gender roles. In contrast to the traditional gender role defying pairing of Tadahiro Nomura and Saori Yoshida.

The Torch was then passed to Wakako Tschuida. An incredibly famous Japanese Para-Olympian. Japan's first professional Para-Olympian in fact.

Wakako Tschuida is most famous as a Wheelchair Marathon Racer. However also competed in the Winter Para-Olympics as an Ice-Sledge Racer.

Her inclusion in the Torch Relay. Reaffirmed Japan's desire to see parity between the Olympics and Para-Olympics. 

They are treating this not as the Opening Ceremony for just the Olympics. But for the Olympics and Para-Olympics. Once long, single event.

The next Torch Bearers were A Group of School Children. From the Prefectures of Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi. The Prefectures worst affected by the 3/11 disaster.

Although they were not named, let alone their ages given. The children were said to have been born at the time of 3/11 or immediately after. Having lived their entire lives in the shadow of the disaster.

This raised the point that globally. Particularly in Israel and the US military. There is now an entire generation of adults. Who do not remember the 9/11 Attacks. They simply had not been born.

However it also invoked Japan's recovery from 3/11. The symbolic journey that preparations for these games were set out to chart.

At around 18:20 on 20/12/21 (UK date) there is still much to continue. 

Edited at around 18:50 on 21/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and copy & paste;

Finally the Torch was passed to Naomi Osaka. The de facto US/Japan Dual National Tennis player. Who is probably the most famous Japanese sports person in the World at the moment.

As has been discussed a lot during this Opening Ceremony. Japan looks at its Edo Period as its golden age.

The Edo Period was defined by the; "Locked State" or; "Sakoku" policy. 

This saw Japan completely isolate itself from the outside World. With foreigners not being allowed into the country and few Japanese being allowed to leave.

As a result. Japanese society still has this deeply ingrained distrust of foreigners.

This applies to all foreigners, including other Asians. However it is particularly striking for Black people.

In part that is because they look the most unlike Japanese people. Making them really stand out in a crowd, unable to sort of blend into the background.

But it is also due to Japan having a very polite, deferential and conformist culture. Which makes the manners obsessed British seem like oafs in comparison.

What tends to dominate globally is American Black culture. Which like Caribbean Black culture is influenced by boisterous West African culture. Which really could not be more different from Japanese culture.

Naomi Osaka is the personification of this clash. One that is happening in her brain all day, every day.

Her father is a Black man from the Caribbean island of Haiti. While her mother is a Japanese woman from Hokkaido.

Naomi Osaka was born in Osaka, Japan. Then, at the age of three, moved to America. Obtaining American citizenship.

At the age of 14, as her Tennis career was starting to take off. Naomi Osaka decided that she would represent Japan.

As her success grew this was met with something of a backlash within Japan. Along with some just out-and-out racist comments.

In part this was because she hadn't actually lived in Japan since the age of three. Also Japan doesn't allow Dual Citizenship past the age of 22. Meaning Naomi Osaka had to give up her US citizenship.

However a large part of it was a belief that a Black person simply can't be Japanese. Just as a White person simply can't be Japanese. No matter of where they were born, or where they've lived their lives.

Naomi Osaka has also had similar problems fitting in within American society.

This is due to the very narrow image of a Black person that American society, particularly Black American society allows. A recurring theme of really every Super Bowl and Oscars since about 2014.

The person I always pick on to illustrate this point is Lewis Hamilton. The Black British Formula 1 racing driver.

Lewis Hamilton has won the Formula 1 drivers title seven times. The joint most times anyone has ever won it. 

This year he came close to breaking the record. Which would have made him the most successful Formula 1 driver ever.

So in his professional life Lewis Hamilton is incredibly accomplished. He has been extremely well compensated financially for his achievements.

This has led to him trying to fit in in America. Joining in with similarly accomplished Black American sports stars and celebrities.

However he's never seemed quite comfortable. Black American society seems to have no place for an intelligent, accomplished, polite Black man

Black American society it seems can only cope with Black men who dumb-as-rocks thugs and gangsters.

Naomi Osaka seems to have a similar problem. Black American society has no place for intelligent, accomplished polite Black women.

Black American society seems only able to cope with Black women. As dumb-as-rocks whores and strippers. There as sex objects for the entertainment of those dumb-as-rocks Black men.

During the 2020 US Open Naomi Osaka wore facemasks supporting the Black Lives Matter cause. Which did have the awkward feel of someone trying too hard to fit in with the cool kids.

I suppose to that list we could also add Rihanna. My eternal wife in the eyes of the Olympic and Para-Olympic movement.

You know that woman? The one who founded and runs a cosmetics company and a clothing company. With a combined value of US$1bn.

The woman who also founded and runs a charitable foundation. That in 2020 disbursed US$47m, some to good causes.

It turns out. She can be a bit of a nerd.

Worse than that. Rihanna seems to be at about my level of nerd.

Back in January 2020 Rihanna asked for my opinion on the India Farmer Protests. 

Taking the rather circuitous route of Tweeting about it. In the hope of causing such a storm it would be picked up by a news agency I read.

Rather than writing the book that it would take to begin to explain it.

I'm not joking about that. When I've finished my coverage of this Opening Ceremony, including reference to the India Farmer Protests. It will run to around 400 A5 pages.

A perfectly reasonable length for a book.

So, rather than doing that. I took a book someone else had written on the subject. Then hurled it in Rihanna's general direction.

If the US/UK were ever to start participating in reality again. 

Then I think both Rihanna and I would actually quite enjoy discussing that book together. While it was the best I could do at the time. There are certainly some problems with it.

Things like Microfinance are actually the sort of things Rihanna needs to know for her charitable foundation. It is her job.

Unfortunately we feel we have to keep that quiet. As Black America just can't cope with an intelligent, accomplished Black woman.

Perhaps something Rihanna was trying to protest about. When, in April 2021, she shutdown a Los Angeles bookstore. So the paparazzi could photograph her buying a copy of "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight.

While wearing a hat that even Lewis Hamilton would probably think twice about.

A detail I feel I'm including here. Entirely for the benefit of Miley Cyrus. 

Also, exactly like the Japanese city of Osaka. Naomi Osaka's family name does seem a lot like my Twitter handle; "Sovereignaka (Saka)."

The one I used before being blocked by the platform. In June 2019. 

Just before the 2019 G20 Summit. Held in Osaka, Japan.

In case there was still lingering doubt. That Twitter will be apologising. They will pay their fines in full.

In the Celtic/Irish tradition. You often see an "O" followed by an apostrophe before a family name. As in; Brendan O'Carroll.

This is just a short way of writing; "Descendent of." As in; Brendan descendent of the Carrolls.

All of which does rather make it sound. As though Naomi O'Saka is my daughter.

Which certainly entertains me. Particularly when I'm trying to marry her off to Lewis Hamilton.

Just as I was married off to Rihanna O'Fenty.

At around 19:15 on 21/12/21 (UK date) there's just one final, uphill, bit left to do.

Edited at around 14:40 on 23/12/21 (UK date) to tidy the above and add;


To be continued in Part 16.

15:10 on 23/12/21 (UK date).