Wednesday 29 August 2012

Nicely Done

In a debate about the prominence of the para-Olympics that is too complicated to go into on my teeny tiny keypad the opening ceremony went straight into the parade of nations/flag ceremony. This coincided with the 21:00 (local) watershed when the good tv shows start in the UK so most viewers have already switched over. I joined them and watched "Vexed" on BBC2 which is a comedy detective show which is really hard to explain. Tonight's episode though centered around a murder in a school which was a nice way of reminding everyone that Britain's schools and the extra traffic they bring re-open during the second week of the games.

I'm now back watching the opening ceremony and it's badly over-running with the parade still going on. If they don't get back to the stage show by around 22:45(local) most people in the UK will go to bed and miss it. That won't exactly contribute to the atmosphere of excitement that accompanied the main Olympics.

I might not even to write up the ceremony because my home internet connection is down.

22:30 local/21:30 GMT on 29/8/12

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