Wednesday 27 February 2008

Well They Say A Week’s a Long Time in Politics.

And in the four days since I last posted I’ve certainly felt the earth spinning on its axis. There was rather a good reason for my silence and I’ll explain why later but first I should apologise.

In my last post or more specifically in the email I sent before I suggested that the British Establishment had undermined the security of the nation by pouring a large sum of taxpayers money into a cancer research project without ensuring that the researchers involved would not be in the future be able to use the research against Britain. It turns out that this is incorrect because since my last post the British Establishment has been running around assuring people that one researcher especially will only be working for Britain regardless what happens to her. I believe the technical term is that she has been owned.

Of course this isn’t news because this securing of the asset occurred in November last year. Now I don’t exactly know how this happened but I do hope to have the chance to have dinner with one of the people involved later in the week. What I do know however that is in carrying out this action the British Establishment totally and utterly blew this asset's cover by confirming to all other nations that she was an asset and in doing so severely restricting the scope of work she could carry out for the country in the future.

The second mistake the Establishment made was to assure everybody that the young lady would only ever be working for Britain because that meant that they were no longer able to argue that this woman needs to be kept on side to prevent her from not working for Britain.

Obviously the British Establishment being so self important they were never going to simply accept that they’d made a big mistake and their lie I wasn’t skilful enough had been torn down so they simply moved onto yet another lie which was they couldn't possibly co-operate with me because I can’t keep secrets under pressure (odd not least because I didn’t let slip what had happened at the time when the level of pressure was much greater) so aside from dropping a clue that I knew what had happened, because I was far too subtle last time round, and a few words to reassure people who had no reason to be feeling the stress of the situation. I had to keep my mouth shut no matter how much pressure was brought down on me and there has been a fair bit what with the police encampment outside my house on Monday and I certainly more then achieved this I even managed to spend all day yesterday in the company of someone who is traditionally as bad at keeping secrets as he as good at playing mind games. As I was feeling charitable I even let him get me very drunk while he stayed sober because apparently alcohol can loosen people’s tongues. Needless to say he got nothing but I clearly have to apologise to pretty much anyone I met yesterday. Sorry.

The Establishment then moved onto the lie that they can’t co-operate with me is because I do not have the best interests of the country at heart which is of course rubbish because if you’re about to see your worst enemy blindly stumble off the edge of a cliff you don’t lift a finger to try and stop them plunging into the abyss.

The lie the establishment are currently hiding behind is that in fact that I am actually quite skilled and that I could have some use to the nation but they couldn’t possibly make any concessions to me because that would blow my cover which is nonsense because I think most watchers will agree that the Establishment has little choice other then to make those concessions.

So there we have it. All a little naughty I’ll agree but in my defence I would say that the young lady in question hardly decided to cross my path with the noblest of intentions and as they say there’s little room for a pacifist in a gun fight. Besides for a woman who claimed to be winning my confidence in order to steal my secrets she seemed far more concerned with making sure that I never in any way came into contact with her and interrupt her fantasy existence. Also it would be deeply immoral for me to allow my friends to put their lives in the hands of people who are this bad at the game.

I would hate for this little gloating sessions to give anyone the impression that they can take on the British Establishment single handed because I am very well armed for the battle with a lot of talented support and they still manage to keep me on my toes. Now I’m off because if I carrying on telling everybody how my tricks are done I’m going to quite quickly get thrown out of the magic circle.

Saturday 23 February 2008

I have some apologies to make for yesterday

Firstly I described my computer as being gay. What I actually meant to say that my computer was having a big gay hissy fit bit of a sloppy mistake I'll admit but you have to understand at the time I was trying to cook dinner and listen to my dad have a little tantrum because apparently it's me that's breaking the computer with all video and computer games.

Needless to say last night I identified the file that was causing the problem and fixed it. Guess who was using the machine at the time the offending file was down loaded.

After fixing the computer I finally got to check my email where I had received an email form an organisation calling itself "The Team" when these emails started appearing in my account the it purported to be from a charity working with AID's in Africa so it was all AID's, AID's, AID's, Babies, AID's, Horror, AID's. Once I sent a reply pointing that in fact I was actually in the room when that mysterious third vial of blood was drawn from my arm - You really should have read it, it was very good with lots of short simple words, a few diagrams and after about the seventh rendition of "The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone and the shoulder bone's connected to the neck bone and the neck bone's connected to the head bone" - they finally got the message and the emails suddenly stopped appearing.

Obviously last night "The Team!" were back after a break of many months and apparently they're no longer involved in fighting AID's in Africa they're now more sort of generally concerned with microbiological research. This field reminds me of someone I know who recently picked up a £2million government grant to carry out research which may produce data which may at some point in the future may be used in a research project which may produce data that and some point in the future may be used in a research project which may at some point in the future possibly find a cure for cancer.

So linking up these two bits of data I sent a reply which firstly pointed out the fact that as the person I know is actually not yet even a PHD and is only involved in a part of a much larger team that is carrying out the research it is entirely possible that they are in fact attempting to play up their importance in the project in order to preserve their dignity.

I then went on to point out that if I had been in charge of the operation I would have made very sure that something so important wasn't bundled up with a guy who had run me round in circles on so many occasions and was currently making me dance like a monkey.

Then I pointed out that even if I had made such a mistake I would certainly have pulled out of the operation once the first slightly coded warning that it was going to fail had been posted on the Internet.

I went on to make it quite clear that I most certainly wouldn't have then gone on to authorise the transfer of funds after the second much clearer warning of the operations failure had again been posted on the Internet.

Finally I pointed out that if after this series of mistakes had occurred I then decided that the really good idea would be to pour more funds into the project in the hope of turning round a losing position I would then have checked myself into rehab in the hope of getting to grips with my crack addiction.

At the end of the reply I got down on my knees, clasped my hands together and prayed that the people who authorised the funding had at the very least made sure they retained the patents for the data the project was generating because if they haven't rather then spending £2million of the governements money on finding a cure for cancer all they actually done is pay 2million quid for what has to be the worlds most expensive post-graduate thesis. That of course would be the sort of thing that would be really embarrassing. and you owuld want to hide if there was an inquest.

After I sent the email our dear Donk suddenly got a bit of a dry mouth and lost all interest in our joyous tit for tat comedy double act.

I should also explain to you dear reader that over the last week I have been giving my liver time off for good behaviour. As this abandonment of alcohol has also co-inceded with my fitness regime paying off I've actually been full of energy and at my sharpest. The problem is there's no problems for me to solve, no battles for me to fight and no work for me to do so I'm off to get drunk and I don't see any reason not to because right now I've got a choice between a slow, painful death and a slow, painful and humiliating death.

Quite frankly I don't arse wiping for 8 grand a year so this might be my last post for a while because I'm off to flood my brain with dopamine, knock yourselves out god knows I will be.

Friday 22 February 2008

Sorry I'm a bit late in my useful idiot role tonight

but my computers being gay and good old fashioned tribalism means that I'm not in any great rush to stop the Great British Establishment slitting its own throat.

Today in Britain it has been a very bad day for murderers, firstly Steven Wright the so called Suffolk Strangler was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering five prostitutes.

Now even in my own totally self centred worldview it never occurred to me that this story to in any way relate to me because I'd struggle to think of five women I'd killed or preformed any other sort of metaphor on. The speed at which the jury reached it's verdict means though that apparently it was meant to relate to me. Obviously now I would name the five women in my past that it could relate too and attempt to justify my actions but this would be like giving a gold star to an organisation that has yet to understand the meaning of the phrase Worldwide web. So let's just say that my conscience is more then clear and it's interesting to see that the establishment seems able to so easily distill the definition of a woman's life into the role of dutiful wife.

Also today a guilty verdict was recorded in the murder of Sally Ann Bowman. As the accused only defence was that he had sex with the girl but did so not notice she was dead means that this was no great surprise also the fact that the crime occurred in my native Croydon it was clearly trying to get a rise out of me in the form of making a very obvious joke about it. Sadly though I not going to rise to that bait.

Tonight I've decided that I would like to tell you the story of a man called Keith Ord. Now I would like to say that Mr Ord was the first MI5 officers that crossed my path but that would ignore the first 20 years of my life and that college professor who was so keen for me to apply to Oxbridge but anyway he sadly died of a mysterious illness in a land far, far away about five years ago.

Let us say then that Mr Ord was the first MI5 officer I met after becoming fully on the field of play. I met him in a pub not far away from where the liquid bomb plot was discovered. Although he was off duty and on home turf he recognised who I was and decided that he wanted to give me a bit of a game so he told me long stories, spun me round, gave me a sub magician lesson in misdirection and eventually managed to "lift" my provisional driving license. Problem was that in the process of doing this he managed to tell me his full name, where he worked, what he did, his pay grade, his security clearance and most worryingly his immigration status. He then had to return my driving license because everyone else in the pub had seen him take it and about a month later he realised that he had been buying me drinks all night.

Then of course there was the team of seven that met me on the train while I was very drunk and just walked out of a very stressful personal situation, needless to say the left with nothing. There was also that team of yanks who, admittedly working on foreign soil, got their fingers burnt (no-ones believing the it got lost in the post story).

The purpose of telling you all this story is that there is currently an argument going on in the establishment that they can't possibly remove Sadie because that would blow her cover and put her life in danger. This is bollocks because by the time Sadie had been put into the operation under her own name, phone number, bank account and emergency contact number she and already been labeled as a disposable asset at a time when they honestly believed I may just kill her. Of course tomorrow they'll try running the she there to train him argument and every other argument they can think of because it's easier to lie then admit they dropped more then a bollock.

Also it is worth pointing out that my dad has been getting repeated warnings that his pension will be cut off to go along with all the trouble he's been having with the winter fuel payments not to mention the repeated tax audits he seems to be under which does rather got to prove that the security services will happily turn their guns on their just as long as they don't have to face their own failures.

Thursday 21 February 2008

And just as things were starting to get interesting

The head of the security and intelligence committee has called for the Diana Inquest to be ended as it is turning in to a very expensive circus.

Obviously this call has nothing to do with the fact that next week the inquest will force 10 members of MI6 to appear in court and give the coroner a full account of their actions. Instead the call is being made because apparently the British Establishment had no idea whatsoever when they started the inquest how much putting aside a court, a coroner, a jury and legal teams for this length of time would cost. Now being faced with the utterlly unpredictable cost they have decided that it wasn't worth doing in the first place. If only they had someone to tell them that at the start.

Another member of the security and intelligence committee, Dari Taylor, put it best when he said "The security services are severly overworked. We understand Mr Fayed's grief . But he has to accept at some stage that there was nobody involved in his son's or princess Diana's death. It was an accident there is no evidence that suggests anything other then that."

Ignoring the fact that the sentence makes no sense because there was clearly at least one car driver involved in the deaths I can see his point because the security services are very busy because 7 years into the great war on terror they still haven't managed to get to grips with Britans terror threat. On top of that you've got left wing plots, right wing plots, dissident IRA plots, organised crime, drug smuggling and people trafficing not to mention the fact that every other security services in the world seems to be using our once septred isle as something of a free fire zone.

Also it's clear that nobody involved in the Diana crash was connected to the security services. I mean it's not as if people were recieving significant finacial awards from the British Government or magically finding themselves in jobs above their paygrade at the time the events took place.

It does seem good news that this great waste of money is fianlly being brought to a close but I have to admit I slightly disappointed because I was just starting to get into it and now with a comfy chair pulled up and popcorn poured I'll have to look for something else to watch.

Currently in the lead on this front is a show called The Unit. This is about a group of American special forces who disguise themselves as simple office workers before going off and doing great missions of daring do. While it's no Ultimate Force it does feature men being heroic and women being partially clothed so all in all not too bad. The last episode I watched was all about new members being selected for the team and the key line of dialogue was;

"Now why would I put my life in the hands on someone I can run rings round?"

I don't know much what happended after that because my digital recivever had a bit of a fit and decided it would much rather me a peice of modern art dedicated to the success of electronics rather then doing the job it was designed to do.

Today I've been shopping which I have to admit wasn't actually to much of a chore today. When I got back I got a letter from my employer regarding my my griviance.

It turns out that all the work that they gone through over the last two months has served no purpose other then to waste their time, waste their money and seriously use up any good will I had left because apparently they'd been using the wrong procedure. They also sent me a copy of the procedure which they would now like to use which contains a section entitled "Procedure for handling complaints which may have serious finacial or legal consequences for the organisation"

I have to say it's a shame we've all been forced to go for this terrible and damaging charade because it would just be so much easier if someone took the employee in question to one side and made it quite clear to them that the will be leaving their current employment, the only choice they have is whether they leave with a good reference or a poor reference.

Today I've decided that I will ask a simple question and that is simply;
"If our dear Sadie is not in any way connected to another organisation how on earth did she walk into the shop that fateful day with prior knowledge of a text message I had sent earlier in the day?"

Wednesday 20 February 2008

The Bridgend suicides

I've been meaning to talk about this very sad state of affairs for a long time but once again the grindingly expensive snooze fest of the Diana inquest has laid its fat wasted carcass across my TV screen once again.

Today the inquest heard evidence from the former head of MI6 who pointed out that in his time he never authorised an assassination. This piece of evidence is of course shockingly useful because the head of the security services has no authority to authorise an assassination, that reasonability falls to a government minister which is quite handy for the security services because it means they can plan an assassination, spend public money carrying it out and then when they inevitably fail they can just blame the government minister.

This information of course raises the question of what was the theatrical reason for this performance. In my out-standing arrogance I think it's because the security services are currently telling the government that the only way they can resolve certain issues is by carrying out a number of killings.

This is of course bollocks meaning that they are either lying to the government to cover up the fact that our great pride of lions pissed their pants while others held their nerve or they saying it because they are so wholly incompetent that they cannot get members of their staff to follow instructions they are given.

If the former is true then I suggest they are rapidly tried for treason and if the latter is true I suggest they do their duty to their nation one last time and then remove themselves from the public payroll.

Now with that rant and ramble out the way it's on to more serious and sorry to say frankly depressing business

Bridgend is a very small town in rural South Wales. Normally the place would not come to the attention of the national media but sadly it has because in the last 13 months this town has seen the suicide of 17 of its young people.

All have been under 30, 8 have been under 20, 13 of them have been men, 4 have been women, 1 was a father and most sicken of all at least one of them was under the full care of the local health authority.

As usual there have been many questions and many theories to suggest why some many young people have killed themselves in such a small area. Firstly it was thought that they had all joined an online suicide pact on MySpace leading to calls that the UK government brings in internet filtering software so we can be protected from internet but no evidence of this was found (we still got the internet filter).

Yesterday the grieving mother of one of the victims was placed in front of a police press conference to tell us the real reason that all these people had taken their own lives. It was simply that the media had told them to do it.

I don't now about you but I'm personally very relieved to hear that because I thought that it was something to do with the government tearing the heart of Welsh industry. Or possibly that the tiny amount of money central government gave the region was frittered away on whatever graduate wank fantasy was the flavour of the month. Or possibly it was something to do with the fact the local police battled so hard to break up the free party scene that these people had nothing to do but work and drink and die in shitty little chain pubs.

But know I was wrong it's all because the media told to do it and on the plus side now the media knows it has the power to make people kill themselves may I make a simple two word suggestion;


Tuesday 19 February 2008

You can say what you like about the Great British Establishment

But they're terrible at theatre.

Over the last number of god knows how many weeks and months we in Britain have been labouring under the weight of the agonising awful performance of the Princess Diana inquest.

Yesterday this peaked in the highlight of Mohammed Al-Fayed appearing in front of the court to calmly explain to us all how rather then being killed in a simple car crash Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed were in fact killed as part of a very elaborate and well thought out conspiracy hatched by Prince Phillip, the Queen and Prince Charles and executed by MI6 with the full co-operation of France's secret service, the DGSE, America's CIA along with the French police service, the French medical service and the French legal system.

To his eternal credit Mr Al-Fayed did take full advantage of the old British legal rule that you cannot slander in court using his testimony to label the British Royal family a "Dracula Family" which he alleged was run by Prince Phillip who is "A Frankenstein, a racist and a Nazi who should be sent back to Germany" odd, not least because Prince Phillip is Greek. He also added that Prince Charles was an evil man who went along with the plot so he could marry Camilla, his "crocodile bride".

Sadly though for Mr Al-Fayed rather then believing his perfectly rational claim that Princess Diana was in fact pregnant and had decided to secretly to inform him personally of this fact long before she even let her uterus know wasn't believed by the judge, the jury, the public gallery, the press or indeed his own legal team leading him to get a little bit upset and label all these people to be MI6 agents who were part of the conspiracy.

Obviously though this led today's press to ask the question of whether or not Mr Al-Fayed was in fact just a little bit mental. The answer to this is that of course he is because all the evidence would suggest that Princess Diana and his son Dodi were killed in a simple car crash brought about by the fact that he'd filled his security team with nothing but yes men and as a result when push came to shove his mistakes killed his son the sort of thing that causes the heady mix of guilt and grief that sometimes make people abandon all rationality.

Just in case there is actually anybody on the planet who still believes that Princess Diana was killed by the British security services may I put your minds at rest and assure you that wasn't. The first clue should be the fact that Princess Diana is actually dead meaning that the plot was successful completely negating the involvement of British Intelligence because in my experience that lot struggle to pull themselves off let alone something of that magnitude.

Personally I would have thought rather then indulging all this nonsense in a very expensive and quite damaging circus it would have been much cheaper and much more humane to Mr Al-Fayed for the Princes to sue him for causing the death of their mother because at least that way he would be forced to face his own demons.

Now rather dull and expensive theatrics aside it is time to return to my favourite subject of all time, ME!

Obviously being me there is absolutely nothing of interest going on in my life, well there is but that's all a bit delicate and fiddly so it would just be careless of me to tell you about it on the internet. The highlights of my week so far is that I have finally managed to get my haircut which is good because I've had to wait until that nasty cut on my scalp healed up. Also I've been to see my doctor and you know I'm still not mad enough but I would like to clear one thing up;

I do not have eczema. That rash I've got up my arms is in fact an allergic reaction, but don't worry it's not catching, it is simply an allergic reaction to boredom because like most people I get the occasional spot and in growing hair but unlike most other people who are permitted to have jobs, social lives, sex lives and significant others and just exfoliate I choose to break up the great expanse of nothing that is my life at the moment by picking and scratching at them and I'm certainly not going to do anything else until the life options I have earned are returned to me.

This great expanse of boredom is not in any way shape or form broken up by the fact that it is currently winter so sorry if it feels like I'm ignoring you but not a lot is going on.

In Pakistan they've just had their parliamentary election and although Musharaf's party made substantial losses no party achieved a clear majority meaning that that Bhutto's PPP party is currently trying to negotiate a coalition with Pakistan’s third party, the PML-N so it's all a bit if's but’s possiblies and maybes. If such a coalition party is formed the PPP element will push very hard for Mursharraf to be impeached. Personally I don't think this is very likely because if the PPP manage to convince the PML-N that this needs to be done they still need to convince their American backers that allowing the PPP carte-blanche or the country in going to further America's interest in the region. That said it is however possible but we'll have to wait and see until the coalition in any with get off the ground.

Either way though I don't think any outcome will make much difference because governments can change all they like but until people change there is going to be very little difference so Pakistan will probably hover around a dictatorship for a time to come yet with the northern region on the Afghan border remaining on the fringes of government control raising the possibility that the new government will allow American forces to operate in the country but that's a bridge quite a way in the future.

There is of course also the American election primaries bundling along but that also is not going to produce an answer for another couple of months and reading back this post is now soooooo long and rambling I can't really be bothered to go into that yet.

Saturday 16 February 2008

Cheer up bastards it's only winter not the end of the world.

And my god has winter started to bite with temperatures dropping all over the place. Apparently tonight's meant to be the coldest of the season with the night air hitting a record low of about -5C - it's got so bad I'm no longer able to stand outside in nothing but a T-shirt, our Canadian cousins must be in a state of absolute horror!

So what have I been up too since my last post? Wednesday I made my only trip to the gym of the week and then had dinner with my mum who seems to be doing very well. She's managed to get herself an allotment in what must be record time and apparently I must absolutely "come around and see it very soon". Needless to say at the moment it's thigh high in weeds and brambles and there's a shed that needs that last little bit of encouragement before it falls down.

Thursday was Valentines Day so after the traditional Thursday night roast with my gran it was time to drag my terminally single arse out into the night to drink and drink and drink until all hope was extinguished and my cynicism was fully refuelled for another year. Sadly though the weather was too cold and the pubs were too empty for me to get drunk and achieve my goals so when I got home I had to drink, drink and drink some more.

Needless to say most of Friday was then taken up with a hangover but I did manage to cook my first ever cottage pie and I have to say it went rather well. In the recipe book it gives you a little history of the dish telling you that in the old days it was the tradition to make cottage pie after the Sunday roast because it allows you to mince up the leftover meat, stick it in with the leftover veg and cover it with some potatoes giving you a very cheap meal for the rest of the week. The book did however that in today’s hectic life of 24 hour supermarkets you'd probably just want to start with pre-prepared mince. Not so in my world because as soon as I mentioned I was making it to my gran she instantly looked at the meat leftover from Thursday's dinner, reached for her counter-top mincer and spent most of the day grinding out the mince by hand.
Armed with my traditionally hand prepared ingredients I set about the business of getting the dish together and I have to admit that is actually a little bit fiddly, so fiddly in fact that the atmosphere in the kitchen dropped to the level where my normally very nose orientated cat decided that what ever was being cooked probably wasn't worth the risk of begging for.

That brings me on to today which despite the early insult of seeing a Bristol team win and the quality of the competition drop accordingly was saved by watching one of those films that came as part of the amazing gangster Christmas. The one I watched was The Long Good Friday which is an oldie but a fucking goodie.

If you're not familiar with the plot, which I wasn't having never bothered to find the time to watch it on the numerous occasions it's been on TV, I'll try my best not to spoil it for you but it's about a high level London gangster who's just on eve of doing the biggest deal of his career. As his prospective partners turn up to seal the deal a rival gang who his corporation has upset starts targeting the people who are closest to him. First they try to blow up his mother then they murder his best friend before blowing up some of his business interests and put the fear of god up him, his girlfriend and his prospective partners who threaten to pull out of the deal. Over the space of just one day, right near Easter strangely enough, he embarks on a mission to find out who's causing all this trouble tries to stop the rot leaving the viewer with a very violent and atmospheric if dated film with has the added advantage that every so often you get to look at the screen and go "Oh it's James Bond.", "Oh it's Denzil from only fools and horses.", "Oh it's the Queen." and "Oh it's the fat bastard from the BT adverts.".

Now I'm sitting here watching the football with a rising desire to tell that J18 story in all its gory detail but I know that might embarrass some people so I'll leave it alone and look on the Brightside that at least I'm not an Arsenal fan.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

I forgot to tell you about the Lives of Others

Which is a mistake because it's a really good film. Essentially it's about a Stasi (east-German secret police) officer tasked with bugging a stalking a prominent playwright to make sure that neither he, his girlfriend or their friends engage in any subversive activity or even have any thoughts or ideas that go against the values of the totalitarian state. I won't give too much away but as the fall of the communist bloc demonstrates that miserable conformism does not fair well when compared with creative freedom.

The only niggle I had with the film was that by choosing to tell the story through the prism of the estranged relationship between the two protagonists the film assumes that the audience fully understands just how grim East Germany was and how deeply unpleasant the Stasi were so it may have gone over a few peoples heads but for a budget of 2 million I don't expect the film makers were expecting it to be seen by an audience that wasn't familiar with time.

It was a bit worrying that on the DVD extras there was a gallery of were meant to be very sinister Statsi surveillance tools and when presented with the surveillance video camera they only thing I could think was "Oh it looks like a really crap CCTV camera."

There is also a little bit, right at the end of the film that proves that yes indeed the Germans actually do have a sense of humour after all.

I also watched the Black Dahlia which turned out to be a deeply disappointing experience.
It could be that a film directed by Brian Depalma starring Hillary Swank, Scarlett Johansson and Josh Hartnet raised my expectations more then could ever be expected to delivered but the film never ever felt like anything more then a second rate attempt to remake LA Confidential.

One of the main problems the film had was that it tried to take on far, far to much by attempting to marry a story about the relationship between two very different but complimentary police officers with another story about each of these officers with one of the officers wives with another story about one of the policemen’s relationship with the daughter of a rich family all wrapped up in a murder mystery. Plus they seemed to think that the only vital ingredient for a film nior is bad lighting and to have every talking in hushed but earnest tone.

All this meant by the time the final whodunit reveal finally turned up I left far from caring and the final twist in the stories tale left me slightly less then shocked.

I have to admitted the dull disappointment of that film has sorted of clouded the rest of my week in an air of futility so as far as I'm concerned there has been nothing interesting in the news apart from the shocking announcements that those who are accused of plotting Sept 11th will possibly face the death penalty in a trial that will happen just before the US election and that apparently different nations have been spying on each other.

I did today begin the second stage of that grievance thingy but I suspect the organisation will gone to carry out a time consuming a tedious investigation before bottling out of the final decision.

Not really much to add so I'm off to the pub.

Sunday 10 February 2008

So it's been a good week for airborne babies.

First we had the Turkish child that was dropped from the top floor window of a burning building only to be caught rescuers after charming neo-nazis started the fire. Then there was the American baby that was picked up by a tornado and flew over 100 yards only to be placed safely back on the ground. Finally little Maggie Simpson was launched out of the family car only to be caught a suicidal Moe in an episode so old it was topical last time the Chinese entered the year of the rat.

The people of Camden Lock must be feeling like they missed a trick!

Sorry for not posting for awhile. Contary to popular belief this isn't because this blog has been shut down, well I assume it hasn't been shut down. I haven't posted for a while because as I discovered in a conversation with a friend yesterday I have managed to distill my life down into two distinct processess; going to the gym and then lying down going "owwww". Neither of which are particularly noteworthy.

Obviously the British government have been playing thier usual round of silly buggers with Anglo-Islamic relations but being a government insitigated program it didn't work so wasn't really worth a comment.

I'm sure I'll post again soon when soemthing vaguely interesting happens but until then I'm off for a nap.