Friday 28 September 2012

Worthless F*cking Stage School Wannabe B*tch!

Apparently in the last hour or so missing Eastborne schoolgirl Megan Stammers (born in Croydon) and her 30 year old teacher have handed themselves into French police. The depressing bit is that her and Captain No Hoper have only done this because they think the publicity will get them the movie deal, the TV deal and the record deal. Of course the people that have been running them will try and use this period to promote discussion about whether or not she's some sort predatory Lolita and he's just an innocent victim because Britain loves a paedo. I think it would just be a lot easier to kill the pair of them

And to think I was almost in a good mood until Twitter started working again.

13:05 on 28/9/12.

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