Saturday 22 September 2012

Operation Oil Theft: Month 20, Week 3, Day 2.

Ok technically it's closer to day three but it's Saturday, my day off and I've been distracted.

As I'm sure you've heard on September 11th (11/9/12) there were protests at the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and Benghazi, Libya over the heavily re-edited Internet trailer for the US made film "The Innocence of Muslims" which was said to offensive to the Prophet Mohamed. In Bengahazi the protests were hijacked by an extreme Salafist militia - Ansar al-Sharia - in order to carry out a pre-planned military style assault on the US Embassy that killed the Ambassador J Christopher Stevens and three others.

Yesterday (21/9/12) after Friday prayers more then 10,000 people took to the streets of Benghazi in protest. However rather then protesting against the USA and film they were protesting against Ansar al-Sharia and their law of the gun, their destruction of Sufi shrines, their desecration of World War 2 war graves and the attack on the USA Embassy. The protesters were so angry that they marched on and over-ran Ansar al-Sharia's headquarters and their military barracks totally evicting the group from the city. As the militiamen were armed and the protesters were not four of the protesters were killed in the process and thirty four were wounded.

So never let it be said that the people that killed the US Ambassador speak for all Libyans or all Muslims.

22:30 on 22/9/12.

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