Tuesday 4 September 2012

Nope It's All Hayley Attwell's Fault.

I mean the fact I'm drunk, my torch has run out of battery, my storm is taking ages to load, my home Internet connection wouldn't let me log on but would allow my father to log and now I'm here on my home Internet connection I'm crashing the news.

Mainly though it's Hayley Attwell's fault for letting it be known that she's starring in an upcoming film about London Metropolitan Police's anti-armed robbery squad called "The Sweeney." This little detail of course just makes the reason why the Azelle Rodney case has gone to the courts look like an advert.

Jesus that would have been a hell of a lot easier if I could have just used my phone to announce that I returned from the garden at around 20:50 on 4/9/12.

21:10 on 4/9/12.

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