Although that doesn't tell you about the bottle of Chilean Rose and four bottles of Corona beer I brought from a small shop on the way back.
While I'm here I should point out that the French BMW shooting is getting exceptionally gory with a 4 year old girl being found alive underneath the corpses in the car some 8 hours after the police first arrived on the scene. However the story is now mainly highlighting the differences between Britain's relatively free press and France's relatively restricted press with the French giving out very few details and the British giving out lots of details. The USA is also contributing to the debate about freedom of speech on the Internet with a US Airway's flight being forced to returned to Philadelphia airport after a Facebook posting claimed that a passenger had explosives. This is very similar to a British case revolving around a man called Paul Chambers who was convicted of sending a "menacing electronic communication" (contrary to I think the Communications Act 2003) after jokingly telling Twitter followers that he was going to blow up Robin Hood airport if they didn't hurry up an re-open following bad weather.
15:50 on 6/9/12
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