Sunday 30 September 2012

Cheech & Chong Build a Deck.

After popping down to Brighton on Saturday (29/9/12) to help a mate "finish up a bit of painting" I've just got home at about 20:20 on Sunday (30/9/12) after getting a wall prepped for painting and using the phrase; "You didn't measure this did you" about 300 times. To be fair to the grown up in charge this is the first project he's taken the lead on, he's working for free and my ADHD can be less the helpful but about 12 hours later they'd succeeded in putting down about 12 decking boards. Seriously the whole thing reminded my of that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer tries building a BBQ pit but ends up being celebrated as some sort of modern artist. I'd like to pretend I put in a full day but by 17:00 I'd given up in favour of smoking, drinking beer and generally hurling abuse at them.

On the plus side the argument we had in the car on the drive to the station was so epic my mate completely forgot what he was doing and drove me straight home by accident.

20:30 on 30/9/12.

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