Monday 17 September 2012

There Goes my IQ.

With this Duchess of Cambridge/privacy thing still rumbling on I've decided to delve deeper into the celebrity/paparazzi world. Apart from the brilliant news that the normally rather staid Farmers Weekly actually went to the trouble of interviewing Alan Graham about the "We Found Love" video that was filmed on his County Down farm winning an MTV award it feels like my soul is slowly dying. I'm actually tempted to call up my Internet service provider to see if they'll be prepared to waive this month's charges because surely I can't be expected to pay for this.

In better news Simon Harwood the police officer who killed Ian Tomlinson at the anti-G20 protests in London in April 2009 has pleaded guilty to gross misconduct at a disciplinary hearing meaning that all the hearing has to do now is formally sack him. It should also make him a lot easier to prosecute for manslaughter once his original trial is declared a mis-trial and the verdict over turned.

In even better news I've discovered that I do like Irn Bru after all but I don't think it's going to do much for my ADD.

13:30 on 17/9/12.

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