Sunday 9 September 2012

Time To Suck All the Fun Out of the Day.

Today a wave of at least 11 bomb attacks have struck various locations across Iraq killing at least 45 people but that number is expected to rise. Although no group has claimed responsibility as most of the victims were Shia Muslims the finger of suspicion has fallen on Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) a Sunni group that claims to affiliated to Al-Qaeda. Yesterday ISI claimed that they had carried out 131 attacks in Iraq during the holy month of Ramadan. As ISI share an English acronym with Pakistani spy agency the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI) their purpose in life is to blame Pakistan for carrying out attacks in Afghanistan through the Haqqani network. The truth is of course much more complicated then that. The United States is also running the Iraqi-ISI in order to counter-balance the Iran linked Shia government of Iraq and to prove the point that with a name literally meaning "The Base" Al-Qaeda were always meant to be more of an inspirational idea rather then a practical organisational structure. As a result anyone can do pretty much what ever they like and claim it as an Al-Qaeda attack.

As I'm here I should also give you a quick primer on the western approach to tackle climate change versus the Chinese approach to tackle climate. Basically the west thinks we should tackle climate change by each nation cutting it's total carbon emissions. China however thinks that each nation should cut it's carbon intensity which is total carbon emissions weighted to take account of population. Due to it's absolutely massive population the intensity measure means that China will have to cut it's emissions by far less the say Australia or the United States. Obviously the USA and Australia are not best pleased with this but from a purely scientific position the Chinese measure is the better of the two. That's because it directly links carbon emissions to economic/social development giving developing nations an incentive to take a more holistic approach to urban design by making sure that in the new cities they're building have integrated electricity grids, the places where people live aren't stupidly far away from the places where people work and giving public transport priority over cars etc.

Oh and I am awake on what it is already threatening to be one of the most bloody Sunday's in the history of bloody Sundays.

11:30 on 9/9/12.

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