Monday 3 September 2012

Rioting in Northern Ireland

Apparently as soon as I went to bed last night the reporting ban was lifted and it was revealed some 47 police officers had been injured in rioting in Carlisle Circus of Belfast Northern Ireland following a parade by a Republican/Catholic marching band.

I should start by pointing out that most people in Northern Ireland would be more scared if there wasn't at least one big riot in the summer marching season. However this one seems different because it's come late in the summer, has affected a parade that is normally peaceful and featured Loyalists/Protestants attacking a Republican/Catholic parade rather then Loyalists/Protestants trying to parade through Republican/Catholic areas which is usually how these things start. Therefore the whole thing seems to have been set up to co-incide with the para-Olympics to promote discussion about Republican splinter groups (Real IRA) etc which suddenly sprung up at around the time the British government changed in 2010. The reason why MI5 have been running those splinter groups is because they view the peace process/Good Friday Agreement as a surrender and in the post-9/11 war on terror environment saw an opportunity to re-start the war and destroy the Republicans/Catholics once and for all.

11:00 on 3/9/12.

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