Friday 7 September 2012

Prince Harry's in Afghanistan.

Following the naked pictures scandal and after making his presence felt at the para-Olympics third in line to the British throne Prince Henry/Harry has today begun a four month deployment in Afghanistan flying Apache attack helicopters. Apart from being a British show of military force and a reminder that the British military are the plaything of the British Monarchy and therefore will be used against the domestic population should they get any ideas about removing the Monarchy this is really an effort to stir up public support for tighter controls on the press and the Internet. The idea is that rather like Prince Andrew during the Falklands war Prince Harry will be presented as effectively acting as a target for the Taliban daring them to try and shoot him down (a bullet magnet so to speak). Therefore because he's doing such brave work we should give him the space and privacy to relax any way he likes.

Of course the only problem with that is that the Apache attack helicopter is such a frightening piece of equipment Prince Harry is actually at a much lower risk of being killed the most of the civilian population of the UK. That's because no RPG toting member of the Taliban with is going to be stupid enough to get into a fire fight with an Apache. And no that's not me 'aiding the enemy' because the Taliban have been dealing with Apaches for the last 11 years while most of my knowledge comes from watching TV shows like HBO's brilliant "Generation Kill." I should warn you though that it honour of that show at some point during the afternoon I might be forced to pretend I'm an aeroplane. Either that or buy a newspaper, clean the bathroom and make a risotto while keeping very quiet.

12:00 on 7/9/12

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