Thursday 7 March 2013

Rihanna, Lindsay Lohan and the Casey Anthony Case.

Yes that's right it's another instalment on the US' little outburst during Rihanna's trip to London, Uk for the retail launch of her River Island clothing line.

Casey Anthony was the mother of Caylee Anthony an American two year old whose disappearance in 2008 gripped a nation. Eventually Caylee was discovered dead and her mother Casey was charged for her murder but was acquitted in 2011 to the surprise of a lot of people. However the Casey Anthony story has recently been resurrected through her application for bankruptcy. This has been done so she along with the Jimmy Lee Dykes case in Alabama and the hunt for Richard III can be used as a metaphor for the woman I supposedly fathered a child with after raping in 2007.

Although there's no evidence that any part of that story is true some of the duty of care issues involved are incredibly similar to the issues in Rihanna and Chris Brown's reunion specifically the October 2012 New York Nightclub incident. This sort of discussion will obviously have negative impact on Rihanna's mood because it's quite common for abuse victims to convince themselves what they are experiencing is love and they deserve the abuse as a psychological survival mechanism. They often become agitated and unstable when that survival mechanism is challenged. However in Rihanna's case this appears to be manifesting itself as psychosomatic illness.

This sort of discussion should also have a negative impact on the mood of Chris Brown's probation officer. That's because while it would be very difficult to convict Brown for rape over the October 2012 incident his probation officer has opened themselves up to a criminal charge of reckless endangerment by failing to immediately apply to have his restraining order reinstated.

Also as Britain and the US' plan has hit some - shall we say - potholes in the road Britain has been threatening to punish me by prosecuting me over the alleged rape. The only thing I can say to that is if the Brits seriously think they can mount a prosecution for a 6 year old rape allegation where there are serious and legitimate questions about the credibility of the sole witness I suggest they stop talking and start doing.

The bankruptcy part of the story relates to my financial circumstances and disability benefit claim. You see the plan was that the combination of having no income, being forced to re-apply, launch complex appeals and possibly being forced to undertake work related activity would combine to leave me so stressed that I'd be unable to function. As yet there is no indication that is going to be the case. For example I actually received the ESA3 form last Friday (1/3/13) but have not yet felt the need to read it let alone fill it in. So I suppose that does raise the question of how much of this plan is going to have to be in ruins before the Yanks accept that it's over and terminate it.

Also during the River Island launch rumours started to circulate that Lindsey Lohan does not think she will be jailed at her upcoming (March I think) trial and will refuse to take part in a Court mandated rehabilitation program. Along with Micheal Jackson Lindsey Lohan is very much a by-word for the failures of the LA County Justice system. Therefore the rumour that she doesn't think she will go to prison could be interpreted as an indication that Brown will continue to be protected and not go to prison.

The Rehabilitation bit is more interesting. That's because since certainly the UK's August 2011 riots there has been a consensus that Rihanna really needs to sort herself out so she stops stumbling into the middle of big and complex global issues. What the UK thinks her problems are was one of the major themes of the para-Olympic closing ceremony which I dubbed the "Rehabilitation of Rihanna." However there is a more serious side to this because while I wouldn't go so far as to say she has psychological problems Rihanna clearly has some emotional issues that need to be dealt with. Chief amongst these is her coming to terms with the fact that while she believes her emotions towards Brown are genuine in reality they've been faked in order to manipulate her behaviour. This is exactly the same problems faced by women who had a sexual/romantic relationships with infamous UK undercover police officer Mark Kennedy.

So the rumour that Lohan is refusing rehab could be interpreted as the US saying that Rihanna has no intention of facing up to those issues. That of course is something that will change rapidly once Brown is removed from the calculation. However it's quite obvious that this conversation is not going to improve Rihanna's mood any.

So yeah I've got one more little bit to do regarding Rihanna's conduct but I'll do that when I bring these four posts together as one later this evening.

17:05 on 7/3/13.

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