Tuesday 26 March 2013

Amanda Knox to Return to Italy.

In a move that has prompted me to add a search function to this blog an Italian Court has ruled that American Amanda Knox must return to Italy to face a re-trail over the murder of her British (Croydon born) roommate Mereditch Kercher. This is absolutely no surprise because the evidence against Knox at the original trial was overwhelming. However that trial and associated investigation revealed Knox to be the rarest of things - a female sociopath.

As the term sociopath is not well understood or defined within psychology this means that Knox's research value is immense. Therefore the US put huge pressure on Italy so Knox would be released to effective US custody so she could be studied. A key part of this study was to get Knox to tell the US authorities her life story which they disguised as helping her to write her autobiography. As that book is now complete this is the Italians declaring that they want Knox returned to their custody so she can complete her sentence and justice can be served.

As the Knox case along with CIA agent Ray Davies' freeing from Pakistani custody played a significant part in getting Italian ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi laughed out of office the ruling on Knox is also supposed to signify that Italy is stronger without Berlusconi. Finally it is intended to send a message to the US that if they continue to protect Chris Brown they can expect every single diplomatic request they make anywhere in the world to be answered with a simple; "No."

12:15 on 26/3/13.

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