Friday 8 March 2013

No Result From Kenya.

As Friday slowly ticks over into Saturday it appears that Kenya's Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) have rather sensibly decided to ignore their self-imposed deadline of publishing the full election results by Friday March 8th 2013 (8/3/13). Although I cannot emphasise enough how important it is that regardless of the result there can be no repeat of 2007's post-election violence I have to say;

As Uhuru Kanyatta is currently being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for ordering the last round of post-election violence he certainly has the most to gain by rigging the election. In fact you could go so far as to say that the dominate part of the international effort to monitor Kenya's election (especially the computer system) has been a conspiracy by the Gulf States, the UK to a lesser extent the US to weaken Kenya and the ICC in order to help them avoid having to answer nasty questions about Libya and Syria.

So Like I said regardless of the result any dispute is best resolved in a Kenyan court with lawyers rather then on Kenyan streets with machetes. That's because with peacekeepers being taken hostage in the Golan Heights, Syria the United Nations (UN) has got more then enough to deal with without having to tidy up after another round of post-election violence.

21:20 on 8/3/13.

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