Friday 22 March 2013

Croydon: What a Sh*thole.

Right you remember that friend of mine who forced me to re-arrange my entire Friday so he could come up at 15:00 so I could do him a favour. Well it turns out that his courier dispatch kept giving him just one more job.

So where I should have had a relatively pleasant afternoon visiting a few pubs and doing a few errands including buying him some accountancy books so he doesn't go to prison for tax evasion I've had a nasty slog of an afternoon. That included nipping down to the Tuesday night pub. When I arrived there my Blackberry suddenly dropped from one third battery power to zero battery power. As a result of this and the fact I'm waiting on a call I wasn't able to catch up on Twitter and much more importantly I wasn't even able to enjoy my pint.

It's almost as if almost two years after DSK and almost 18 months after the August 2011 riots the UK Crown's having problems explaining why that nasty little nig network is still walking this earth. I did notice they got the Railway Telegraph re-opened under new management pretty f*cking quickly though. I mean there was almost a danger the locals would realise they're getting raped.

Anyway my mates just phoned and he's on his way. So I've got about to breathe, centre and work out where I'm going to take his broke a*se on a Friday night with an England match on.

18:00 on 22/3/13.

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