Sunday 31 March 2013

I'm Sorry.

It was John Hurt playing Sir Ian McKellen in Tandem's adaptation of Kate Mosse's novel "Labyrinth." Basically I couldn't decide if it was John or William so I Googled it and f*cked up.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to step outside for a good 10 minute giggling fit. After all my father watched it in all seriousness and I've been holding it in from the moment a scene featuring the only female lead "Alice" who didn't have a sex scene ended with the words; "And these walls were never penetrated."

22:00 on 31/3/13 but I'll be back in a few minutes.

Edited at 22:15 on 31/3/13 to add: Blimey it's enough to give you an aneurysm.

Obviously I don't want to spoil the intentionally hilarious "Labyrinth"  for anyone who may still be watching it on +1 or On Demand. However I will say that Channel 4's decision to schedule it over the Easter weekend was to in introduce Tony Scott's suicide into what is soon going to be known as Hell Week.

It was also an attempt to ruin scores of casual sexual relationships in the UK. After all it is the season. Although I should point out that as Britain insists Summer Time has begun in a clear provocation to the Catholic Church it snowed. Unbelievably people are trying to cite that as proof that climate change isn't happening.

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