Wednesday 20 March 2013

Operation Misery: Week 2, Day 5.

Nobody has provided me with any information about Rihanna's concert in Toronto last night. As I've been far to busy today to go searching this means I have no idea how the concert went or if indeed it went ahead at all. However rather proving my point about the concerts really just being an excuse to do all the political stuff the big story of the day didn't even happen in Canada at all.

Obviously Rihanna flies between concerts. However her tour entourage travels by road and is made up of a caravan of 10 buses/trucks full of people and equipment. As this caravan re-entered the United States from the Canadian city of Windsor (as in UK Queen Elizabeth Windsor) via the Ambassador (as in Rihanna's new career) bridge US border guards decided they could smell marijuana. They then proceeded to subject all 10 vehicles and passengers to an enhanced search using drug sniffing dogs. The dogs identified one of the passengers who was searched and found to be in possession of a small amount of marijuana. As the amount was so small the individual who has not been named was issued with a fixed penalty notice (similar to a parking ticket) rather then being arrested.

I would go so far as to say that this whole incident was set up in co-operation between Rihanna's tour team and their CIA handlers. The idea being to discover if any of the other nations on Rihanna's tour itinerary have any interest in using the suspicion of drug possession to disrupt the tour. However rather than trying to protect Rihanna the US is hoping that the host nations will disrupt the tour. After all their plan is for Rihanna to behave so badly that it provokes other nations strike back against her in revenge. Primarily this allows them to open up a 'bridge' of dialogue with the host nation. After all it takes a lot of effort to bail someone out of a foreign jail. It also has the secondary effect of making Rihanna's tour so miserable that it fuels her fantasy that she will be able to happily retire with Chris Brown. This is of course a nonsense because once this tour and likely with it Rihanna's career is finished the CIA handlers intend to use the couple as stars of some sort of freakish reality TV show. For example I predict a lot of charity work in Rihanna and Chris Brown's future.

It is worth noting though that despite their close links to the UK (who are extremely hostile towards Rihanna) the authorities in English speaking Canada showed absolutely no interest in searching the vehicles or arresting anybody. I and the US should take that as further evidence that the Rihanna/Chris Brown plan is over and should be terminated immediately because nothing good will come from continuing.

Although Rihanna has not commented on either last night's concert or the arrests she has been very active on Twitter to promote a preview of a remix for "Pour it UP" which is to be her next single. As Pour it Up is the song in which Rihanna goes on about how much she's enjoying spending her fan's money and doesn't care about anyone or anything else in light of recent events this is not got going to win her any friends in her native Barbados. What's going to make Rihanna extremely unpopular with everybody else is that the release of the remix and her associated Twitter outburst was deliberately timed to coincide with US President Barack Obama's joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu causing maximum disruption. The Israeli's obviously went along with this in order to set Rihanna a test. She failed.

Having watched the press conference you could immediately tell why Rihanna and her CIA handlers thought Obama needed all the help he could get. Netanyahu began by recalling a story of how he'd showed Obama a picture of his children and Obama joked about them clearly getting their good looks from their mother. In itself this is a perfectly harmless joke that is told pretty much every time one man shows another man pictures of his children. However Netanyahu went on to joke that he could say the same thing about Obama's daughters. This prompted Obama to respond by saying he was deliberately trying to improve his gene-pool  by selecting the woman he would have children with.

This pseudo-scientific idea of creating a master race through selective breeding is known as eugenics. It is the idea that drove the Nazi's to carry out their holocaust of Jews (and others) during the second world war leading to the formation of the state of Israel. So I don't think it would have been possible for Obama to say something that would have made him less popular with the Israeli people and world's wider Jewish population. As Netanyahu clearly set him up for that I have to say that no it wasn't even a contest between the two men.

Obama will now head off to Palestine and Jordan where he will try and convince people that he is the man who can stand up to Israel in an effort to win allies amongst the Syrian rebels. On the back of that performance there doesn't seem to be much else for me to do except pat Obama on the head and wish him luck.

As for Rihanna although everything I know tells me she's wrong I hope she is right about Chris Brown. That's because if she carries on like this the only choice Rihanna will have about her future is whether or not to get the legend "US GI" tattooed on her forehead. Hopefully then she'll finally realise that the people she's relying on for protection are actually the people who want to destroy her.

23:40 on 20/3/13.

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