Friday 1 March 2013

LibDems Retain Safe Seat of Eastleigh.

Obviously the definition of the term "Safe Seat" used by the UK's Liberal Democrats is different from the definition of "Safe Seat" used by the Conservative and Labour Parties. This seems appropriate for a party whose male members are united by a collective inability to come to terms with their homosexuality.

The UK Independence Party (UKIP) came second while the ruling Conservatives (Tory) came third. Labour who stood so little chance of victory they put up an actual comedian as their candidate came a distant fourth. The Lord Rennard issue seems to have had a slight effect in switching some LibDem voters to the Conservatives. However the real winners were UKIP who heavily drew support from both the Conservatives and LibDems.

This will obviously raise questions about the UK's relationship with the European Union (EU) for both the Conservatives and the LibDems. However it will be within the Conservative Party that this debate will be the most interesting. After all mentioning in the EU at Conservative Party conference is shouting the proverbial "Fire!" in the crowded theatre.

*Wanders off to get some popcorn*

14:45 on 1/3/13.

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