Friday 8 March 2013

Domestic Violence: Bingo!

Cricket: Bingo!

Gun Control: Bingo!

The Economy: Bingo!

The National Health Service (NHS): Bingo!

Child Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church: Bingo!

Sinn Fein's Refusal to Swear Allegiance to the UK Queen (mid-Ulster by-election): Bingo!

Yeah if you've not been following events in British politics today you would have no way of knowing that the Liberal Democrat (LibDem) part of the ruling coalition are holding their Spring party conference in Brighton over this weekend. As a result they are currently being subjected to what can only be described as a 'beasting' to make sure no more dangerous subversives like Chris Huhne slip through the net.

Personally I think this might work becomes your average LibDem's self-esteem is so low that in the House of Commons newsletter LibDem MP Tim Fallon today referred to members of his own party as "cockroaches." LibDems actually consider that a compliment due to an old party saying that following a nuclear war the only two things that would be left are cockroaches and LibDem activists handing out leaflets accusing the cockroaches of not being local.

Mainly this offends my sense of pedantry because back in the 1950's Drs Wharton and Wharton carried out extensive research on the effect of radiation on insects. They found that cockroaches had one of the lowest tolerances of 20,000 rads while parasitic wasps have a tolerance of around 180,000 rads. The Wharton's research did not cover the effects of radiation on LibDem activists but I'm willing to give it a go even if I can't be bothered to convert rads to sieverts.

20:20 on 8/3/13.

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