Tuesday 10 April 2012

No Still Not Seen It.

Rick Santorum's exit interview that is. Nor have I seen Mitt Romney's response.

So at around 00:20 on 11/4/12 while we're on the subject of things I can't really comment on it turns out that during one of my significant Internet outages the USA was outraged by an incident in Florida in which a Jewish/Hispanic/White male "George Zimmerman" met a young black male "Trayvon Martin" and shot and killed him in circumstances that are still under dispute. This is difficult for me to comment on because one of the things that I believe to be true is that every case should be tried on it's individual merits under the law. Therefore before I comment fully I need time to research the exact details of what happened and the exact wording of Florida's "lawful excuse" defence to the offence of "Homicide."

However one thing I do know is that the shooting occurred a good month before the USA was outraged. The reason why the case was brought to global attention was to confuse China. After all in the story I could equally be the overly aggressive white neighbourhood watch captain and the young black hoodie. If you've read the Cote De Ivorie posts on this blog you will see that once in a while I'm not averse to seeing the right thing done for all the wrong reasons. So I'm not sure I want to see this energy dissipate just because I've commented.

The one thing that shocks me though is why the police didn't arrest George Zimmerman at the scene. After all if you're innocent - especially if you're innocent - far from being something to be ashamed of getting arrested is one of the best things that can happen to you. In Britain at least when you are arrested certain rights apply meaning that you are appointed a lawyer and given the funds needed to pay for the various forensic tests needed to mount an effective defense. There are also limits to what people can say about you in the media.

Anyway now I've got that public service bit dealt with at around 00:35 I'm off to watch depressingly bad soft porn on the old satellite channels.

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