Friday 27 April 2012

Man I am So Wasted.

So wasted in fact that I've just decided that I really, really need a toasted tuna melt. Although thinking about it maybe cheese on toast would be safer. Anyway the point is at around 22:55 on 27/4/12 if you here the fire alarm try not to panic it's only the grill.

So anyway the point is that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) did meet today in New York but they were discussing South Sudan Vs Sudan. It turns out there's been some problems around the Helig oil fields but I feel there's definitely a "D" missing there somewhere because it's pronounced more Hedge-lig.

More importantly then that though the Charles Taylor verdict can be downloaded from I actually listened to the full verdict being read out on 26/4/12 but it went on for over two hours so I had a nap in the middle. Then I looked at the abridged version on the website and got confused so I went to bed. So now (23:00) I'm going to have to download it so I can read it in full on Saturday (28/4/12).

You really should take the time to read it too because even in the sanitised language of an official court judgement it begins to convey some of the horror involved in the conflict. My particular favourite is when they disemboweled the guy in the town square and then stretched his intestines across the road to form a vehicle checkpoint.

Anyway at around 23:05 I'm sure we're well passed the watershed now.

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