Monday 23 April 2012

Bahrain Free the C4News Team.

As you may have heard over this past weekend the Gulf Kingdom of Bahrain have been hosting the Formula 1 Grand Prix amid protests in the country. While the Bahraini regime were very keen for the international media to come in and film around the race circuit they were much less keen for the international media to report on what is going on in the rest of the country. For example they refused to allow SkyNews into the country and Sky were the network broadcasting the race in the UK. Yesterday (22/4/12) evening the Bahraini authorities arrested a Channel 4 News team who were trying to report the protests. They were released at around 22:00GMT/23:00BST.

Channel 4 is the network that broadcasts the US TV show "Homeland" in the UK and they have an extensive on online community to allow fans of the show to discuss the various plot twists and turns on the Internet. Without giving too much away yesterday's episode seemed to suggest that the government of Saudi Arabia were responsible for plotting Al-Qaeda terror attacks in the United States. Bahrain is highly dependent on Saudi patronage with Saudi Arabia supplying much of the cash, equipment and personnel needed to put down Bahrain's uprising. The Saudis also have a tendency to use Bahrain as their brothel. So I think the real reason why Bahrain seized the Channel 4 News team was to sweat the network out as public reaction to the episode of "Homeland" started to come in.

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