Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Dutch Are Definately up to Something

Even if I'm not quite sure what.

Yesterday (23/4/12) the government of the Netherlands collapsed after right-wing nutcase* Gert Wilders withdraw from the coalition in protest against austerity measures imposed on Eurozone nations as part of the October 27th fiscal compact. The Dutch Royal Family have long been allies of the British Royal Family so coming just days after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) meeting and the start of the French Presidential run-off in which Francois Hollande's opposition to austerity measures will be a major factor this seems too convenient. I hope it's not Britain trying to convince the Eurogroup of countries that austerity measure are unnecessary while Britain itself is imposing even stronger austerity measures.

*Although that sounds rude you'll note I stopped short of calling him a fascist even if he seems to be very keen on this battle of civilisations between the Muslim world and the Christian world.

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