Thursday 12 April 2012

Ha Ha! Progress.

It is currently around 11:10GMT on 12/4/12. Technically it's been 13/4/12 for the last 12 hours but let's not confuse people. After all I've set a metric so I'll stick to it.

Anyway after bashing away on the France24 website I've discovered that the 10 candidates for the French Presidential election are;

  • Mathelie Artheand from the "Workers Struggle" Party,
  • Francios Bayrou from the "Democratic Movement" Party,
  • Jacques Cheminade from the "Solidarity & Progress" Party,
  • Nicolas Dupont from the "Arise the Republic" Party,
  • Eva Joly from the "Green" Party,
  • Marine LePen from the "National Front" Party,
  • Jean-Luc Melenchon from the "Left Front" Coalition,
  • Phillipe Poutou from the "Anti-capitalist Movement" Party,
  • Nicolas Sarkozy from the "Union for Popular Movement" Party.

However at around 23:15GMT I've not looked at porn nor have I seen the Hollande video. I am though aware of "The Economist" magazine but every week when I read it says "This paper supported the Libya intervention" or "This paper supported the Iraq war" so I'd prefer to do my own research before I make a decision. I am though terrified by the thought of Hollande meeting LePen in the final.

Alternatively though I could just go to bed because at around 23:00GMT my father got the hint and went to bed. So I may just go into the front room and watch France24 especially as North Korea have launched their long range rocket proving that they're intent on being the very loud noise in the middle of the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in Washington. Personally I've just surprised the UN let it through the door. Edited at 23:20.

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