Monday 23 April 2012

If You're Looking For a Defanition of the English Expression...

..."Famous last words." It's me saying; "I'll be moving away from these stream of consciousness posts" while knowing full well I'm going to the pub later that evening. See also; "It'll be fine. I'll just pour the petrol from this jerry can into that jug over this lit gas stove." Or to put it another way look at how much good stuff you missed out on by cutting me off last Tuesday (17/4/12).

Anyway today (23/4/12) it's been announced that the US Atlantic Council will be awarding their humanitarian award to British Princes William and Harry for their work with servicemen and women injured in Afghanistan and Iraq. Prince Harry is expected to accept the award at the ceremony. This could be the US' way of admitting that apart from leaving me unable to function Britain's attempts to drive me into insanity was to conduct research on mental health problems to assist servicemen and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq with mental health problems. By congratulating Britain on it's work the US is also attempting to distance itself from what could well be viewed as an atrocity under international law. Of course though I think we all know that Britain couldn't have thought up something that sophisticated all on their own. Alternatively they could be trying to do something entirely different. After all the Atlantic Council is a right-wing lobby group rather then an actual part of the US government.