Thursday 31 May 2012

Yep I've Ground to a Halt.

Today (31/5/12) I went to the gym and caught up on some reading before going to the supermarket. That was enough to wipe me out for the day so I'm starting my long weekend early. The only possible thing of interest was while at the supermarket I brought some latex gloves like those commonly used in crime. Sadly my need was much more prosaic. As I've mentioned I've still got quite a nasty cut on my finger. Tonight I was cooking with chilli peppers. Those are two things that really do not mix.

Also today the Syrian government released their preliminary report into the al-Houla massacre. I haven't read it but I gather it's had it's credibility questioned by the western powers because it claims the SIA have access to heavy weapons. So let's just quickly check my notes specifically "Operation Ostrava: Month 15, Week 2 Day 1" paragraph 2 sentence 3;

"According to SIA sources SIA positions came under light shell fire from a group of 5 Syrian BRDM-type APC's. SIA fighters counter-attacked capturing 2 of the APC's and destroying the other 3 killing 23 Syrian soldiers in the process."

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