Tuesday 1 May 2012

Back Me Up I Dare You.

Yep at around 23:30 while we're still waiting for the President to speak I thought a constipation joke was really what we needed.

Anyway a few Tuesday's ago I decided it was good time to tell you Fareed Zakira story. I first encountered him when he did his first bit for Time magazine. I remember reading it while I was waiting to enter Croydon Magistrates Court on the Environmental matter against #50. I read it and thought; "That's a neat, concise and intelligent analysis of the USA's situation - I'm sure the Time editorial team will ...

No it's on 23:34.

Live my arse. At around 23:50 I've watched Obama's speech on 6 different channels lit in 6 different ways but I'm still convinced it was just Obama standing in front of the CNN backdrop and phoning it in from Bagram.

Anyway where were we. Oh yes Fareed Zakira, I was just thinking "That's a neat, concise and intelligent analysis of the USA's situation - I'm sure the Time editorial team will beat it out of him soon enough." Then I read Fareed Zakira's piece declaring Barack Obama to be and excellent foreign policy President and I thought - "Yep, there it is."

On the subject of constipation I should also tell you about Abu Hamza's refusal to stand up in court. Turns out this isn't a particularly important story but it relates to my grandmother's Court of Protection (COP) case. In English Courts there is a strict etiquette to be follow. For example every time (23:55) you wish to speak you must stand and when you speak you must address the Court. So even if it's you, the Judge and the Prosecution if you speak you must speak to the vast empty room rather then addressing any individual person. However the so called Family Courts including the Court of Protection were set up specifically to resolve disputes between people without any formal legal training so the etiquette is more relaxed.

So when I stood up in the High Court on a COP matter I began by asking the Judge if she'd prefer me to sit or stand. She responded by saying; "You can do what you like." while the words; "Because it won't make a blind bit of difference" hung in the air unspoken.

Anyway at around 00:03 on 2/5/12 local I've successfully spellchecked and introduced italics. I'm sure more drink and more drugs will fix it.

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