Tuesday 15 May 2012

Awww the Foxes are Married Now. How Sweet.

I'm sorry but at around 00:55 on 16/5/12 I've been to bed and got up again and still I'm a bit worried that the following might be my last trip to Brighton filtered back to me via a research lab at Brighton University.

Anyway a while ago (summer 2011ish) a young male fox cub was artificially inseminated into my garden. After running around like an idiot for a while he got a young female fox pregnant and then promptly disappeared leaving the female the territory. Then the vixen suddenly vanished for a short while only to return without cubs but with a sudden and strange distrust of humans. Over the weekend (12-13/5/12) the foxy father returned so now the happy couple are negotiating their new domestic arrangement with lots of howling, barking, crashing, banging and digging. To be fair though they've actually been pretty quite tonight which is more then can be said for the police helicopter.

And at around 01:05 I'm going to give this whole going to bed thing another try.

Edited at around 14:30 on 16/5/12 to add: The foxes were so pleased with themselves this that morning they were happy to pose while my father took photographs on his new smartphone. It actually turns out we've got the original female fox along with a new vixen and her two cubs. So it looks like the two females will be teaming up together to raise the children. Like I said filtered through a research lab at Brighton University.

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