Saturday 26 May 2012

Great I'm Working On Saturday Again.

Today (26/5/12) the Saudi Irregular Army (SIA) are claiming that Syrian forces committed a Srebrenica style massacre in the town of Houla overnight. The only problem is that on Wednesday (23/5/12) I heard a very specific rumour that the SIA would try and fake a large atrocity to co-incide with the warm-up games for the Euro2012 football championships and the Eurovision song contest (which Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon and Israel can compete in). The purpose being  to re-energise diplomatic efforts against the Syrian government that have all but stopped. So you'll excuse me if I wait for the United Nations Support Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) observers to complete their investigations before I jump to conclusions.

I should also point out that following my lead yesterday (25/5/12) my father connected his smartphone to the Three network on Pay&Go. Unfortunately he also brought a cable to allow him to transfer data from his smartphone to the PC. As a result we've been spending a lot of time yesterday and today trying to get everything to work without much success.

Now I'm just debating whether to watch the automatic qualifiers for the Eurovision song contest online so I can watch the football instead of the performance part of the show. Although there's a lot of international football going on tonight the game I may be watching is Norway V England. With no prize at stake this match is what's described as a friendly although since the Breivik incident "friendly" isn't the first word you'd think of to describe relations between Norway and Britain. Obviously this will be a very tense game so I don't want to say too much. However I think in agreeing to the match Norway was using that old expression; "Keep you friends close and your enemies closer." although they may want to re-think that. Norway of course are in charge of the UNSMIS observer mission.

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