Sunday 6 May 2012

I Might Have Overcooked it.

At around 21:45 on 5/4/12 that could have been both a reference to the Chicken dopiaza curry I had for dinner and my brain after watching the series finale of "Homeland."

Well at around 22:25 I'm thinking it could have been if my home Internet connection had been working. Unfortunately it wasn't and I was forced to take to Twitter. Picking up my cellphone also forced me into a brief text (sms) exchange with my one and only friend. I think this is important because while I was in the pub with my father on Tuesday (1/5/12) I mentioned that I'd be going down to see said friend soon and he always tries to sell me an iPhone. On around Wednesday (2/5/12) or Thursday (3/5/12) said friend's cellphone provider called him to cancel his contract leaving him with two iPhones for sale. Sadly he sold them yesterday (5/5/12).

Anyway at around 22:30 some chavs are still watching Homeland on GMT so I won't spoil it but it's going to swing low tonight even if his daughter gave it the full Portman. I knew it was a mistake to start the day with the episode of Burn Notice where Badger sells the dodgy pills.

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