Monday 7 May 2012

Netanyahu's Wobbled.

Eight days after the death of his father Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has today (7/5/12) bowed to pressure for the progressive left Kadima Party over a mass hunger strike protest by Palestinian prisoners against 6 month detention without trial and called a General Election for September 4th 2012. Obviously the Kadima Party don't give a damn about the Palestinian prisoners but see an opportunity to sweep to power. They'd better be careful because the last time they pulled a stunt like this during Operation Cast Lead they ended up getting squeezed out and the relatively Edhud Olmert was replaced by the extremist Avigdor Leiberman.

The hunger strike protests of course are being driven by the Gulf States and the post-revolution governments of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in order to distract from the problems in their country's by making an overt display of their support for the Palestinian cause. Personally I think the Palestinian cause would be better served by the Arab nations sorting out their own problems rather then raging against Israel.

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