Tuesday 15 May 2012

Anything Can Happen Tuesday.

Apparently at around the time (09:40) I made my previous post today (15/5/12) a large house fire broke out in Langdale Road which is a couple of streets away from me in Thornton Heath. Although the timing is highly suspicious I cannot immediately think of any reason why this has anything to do with me. I have not visited the scene but I gather the terraced house was completely destroyed with no casualties. Therefore the presence of the low-flying police helicopter was totally unnecessary and probably helped fan the flames. I do though feel it is my duty to report that after making my previous post I broke with routine (or what's left of it) and went for a full gym session in the Black Lion.

In other news a man has apparently self-immolated (set himself on fire) outside the trial of Anders Behring Breivik in Norway. I don't have the full details so I'm hesitant to comment. However I will say this; Regardless of what you can or cannot prove if you believe that Breivik was simply a tool of Britain then Britain thought Norwegian Royal Family would be fine with it because it would put pressure on me to reveal my knowledge on dealing with the sort of psychological traumas associated with that sort of tragedy. They may have miscalculated. This is why the Belgian Royal Family took the unusual step of including psychological injuries in the casualty list for the grenade and gun attack that took place in Leige in December 2011. The depressing bit is that all my knowledge and experience has only taught that I can't deal with the psychological trauma the Norwegians have experienced. That is something they can only do for themselves.

Now at around 13:35 I'm off to completely fix the middle-east. Then I'm going to the pub.

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