Thursday 3 May 2012

Turns Out I Did Vote.

Moments after writing the first part of my previous post where I said I wasn't sure if I was going to vote I realised that my father would be asking me "When are we going to vote?" every five minutes until we voted. So it was actually less hassle for me to vote then abstain. I'm not totally sure who I voted for in or in what election because when we arrived at the polling station at around 13:25 I was more interested why there was car parked outside with a Ukrainian flag on the dashboard. On reflection I think it was just the local trash making a comment about my father's use of my grandmother's disabled parking badge even though she's been in a nursing home a long while now. However I'm pretty sure I used my first vote in the London Mayoral to vote for Ken Livingstone (Labour) before just putting a cross by "Green" for my other three?! votes. I only did this in order to promote discussion about whether or not the prominent display of posters warning about the dangers of cannabis in the polling station/youth centre counted as undue political bias.

In other news the US have today (3/5/12) released a raft of documents captured from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad. I've not read them but apparently the highlight is a plot to assassinate the President of the United States (Marine One) in order to make sure that the thoroughly unprepared Vice-President of the United States (Marine Two) is forced to take over. This could be the final scenes of US TV Show "Homeland" which I'm really excited about watching on Channel 4 on Sunday (6/5/12) at around 20:00. It gets even more exciting when you know that "Homeland" is actually a "The Killing" style re-make of an older Israeli TV Show called "Prisoners of War."

Anyway at around 22:30 the BBC is about to start on seven hours of live coverage of the UK election results even though most of the results won't be available until tomorrow (4/5/12) afternoon. Whether or not I stay up and watch will really depend on whether the BBC are going to keep up with their weird Morse Code thing. On my Freesat TV at least they've been putting out a loud electronic beeping during Osama bin Laden coverage and the Ukraine Euro2012 coverage. I think it's their way of telling me that they know that this evening I changed my digital (DAB) radio station to BBC Radio 5 from the LBC rolling news service.

Either way I'm sure that local politics in the UK will still be mired in corruption and beholden to the local landlords and property developers.

Edited at around 22:50 on 3/5/12 to add: Turns out that the Israeli TV Show "Prisoners of War" was first broadcast in April 2010. Apparently if you're very nice they might be showing it on SkyArts. Anyway I'm now checking my email and the BBC's local election coverage is focused mainly on heavy breathing.

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