Tuesday 15 May 2012

Dammit Just Missed Out on Silk.

"Slik" the new(ish) thing on BBC1 featuring barristers being all dramatic and barrister-y. Shown between 21:00 and 22:00 local it clashes with the usual "CSI" on Channel 5. Fortunately I've been out getting stoned so I didn't have to watch either.

Anyway at around 21:01 I'm here now and the news is on so rest assured as soon as I find by point I'll bring it straight too you. 21:02

Edited at around 21:05 on 15/5/12 to add: I'm currently watching the Rebekah Brooks story on the news and it's got me wondering if tomorrow's "Guardian" newspaper frontage is out or are they just going for a soft lifestyle peice about the state of the Brooks marriage. 22:07

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