Monday 28 May 2012

Well I'm Converted.

To the idea of smartphones that is. While I'm writing this on a full sized computer with a full sized keyboard earlier I was having a light gym session and discovered that at the same time I could look up the news on my Blackberry including the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) statement. So while it's costing me money it's actually making my life a lot easier.

Anyway while I was doing that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was giving evidence to the Leveson Inquiry into media standards. His testimony was disrupted when a protester burst in and started spouting some conspiracy theory idiocy about how Blair should be arrested for war crimes because the Jews who control the world's banks paid him to invade Iraq. Having been to the Royal Courts of Justice while the Leveson Inquiry is in session I can assure you that this is not something that just happens by accident. I can only assume then that this was a pre-arranged publicity stunt because Britain was worried that the growing controversy over the al-Houla massacre might cause the Arab world to miss out on the spectacle of the new British regime making life tough for the previous British regime. Still not rushing to publish the results of the Chilcot Inquiry though are they.

In other news last night (27/5/12) I very foolishly almost sliced the top of my left index finger off. So today (28/5/12) typing is going to be slow and one handed.

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