Sunday 20 May 2012

Now That's Timing.

Today (20/5/12) the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Summit will open in Chicago, USA. This is the first such summit since NATO's controversial intervention in Libya in 2011 that overthrew Muammer Qaddafi. In preparation Britain has been trying to draw attention to the Qaddafi funded terrorist group the Irish Republican Army (IRA) by arresting four dissident Republicans on terror related charges in Northern Ireland yesterday (19/5/12). Also yesterday Italian elements tried to draw attention to two other terrorist groups the Qaddafi government supposedly supported - the Red Army Faction (RAF) and Black September. The show though has been stolen by Abdelbaset al-Megrahi - the only man convicted of the worst terror attack linked to the Qaddafi government, the 1988 bombing of a PanAm jet over Lockerbie Scotland.

At around 10:00GMT (12:00local) today (20/5/12) al-Megrahi took the opportunity to lose his long battle against cancer and die. This of course will draw attention to the 2009 decision by Britain's then Labour Party government to release him from prison on compassionate grounds. Since coming to power in 2010 Britain's new regime have used this as an example of the weakness of the previous government. However the real reason for al-Megrahi's release was that he was in the process of appealing against his conviction and every informed opinion was that he would win that appeal, be acquitted of the Lockerbie bombing and released. The prosecution's case was built entirely around the testimony of one witness who'd been paid around USD2million for his evidence and had been given of copies of photographs identifying al-Megrahi as the bomber before he was picked out of a line-up of suspects. The defence team have since been able to prove that the witness could not have seen al-Megrahi in the place he said he did at the time he said he did. So even though the Lockerbie bombing was not a legitimate justification for NATO's involvement in Libya even that looks to be baseless

So obviously Britain is now trying to blame the Lockerbie bombing on Syria.

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