Tuesday 23 October 2012

Yep Romney Got Bitch Slapped.

Yes that's right. About six hours ago I finished watching the third and final (Praise the Lord!) US Presidential debate here; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJiovQZcZ8

Unfortunately about six hours before that I pretty much gave away last night's third US Presidential debate here on my blog; http://watchitdie.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/so-did-romney-steer-clear-of-libya.html

So now I'm contractually obligated to go and update my Twitter here; @Sovereignaka.

More words will appear here later (hopefully)

22:30 on 23/10/12

Edited at around 22:40 on 23/10/12 to add:

Yeah basically what I think I need to do is; Calm down. Go to bed. Write a proper version. Redact a proper version. Publish it. In the mean time have you seen this; @Sovereignaka - It's a little f*cking ninja!

22:45 on 23/10/12.

Edited at around 23:00 on 23/10/12 to add:

so yeah earlier I wrote;

"In the hours leading up to the debate US intelligence sources confirmed that the second building attacked in the September 11th (11/9/12) attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya was in fact a CIA operations centre. This is something everybody in the business already knew and is hardly that controversial. For example I could tell you the location of the CIA operations centre attached to the US Embassy in London but that would just needlessly p*ss people off. The reason for the announcement was to confirm that US intelligence (CIA is the generic term) have been running the Chris Brown/Rihanna reunion as a way to discredit me in the run up to the Presidential election in order to help Romney win. The reason why this acknowledgement has become necessary is because no-one in the business can believe that Brown's probation officer hasn't intervened by this point and other factions within the US community have had some pretty strong stuff to say on the subject. The idea of tying all this to the Libya issue was to make Libya so toxic for Romney that he would stay away and avoid dragging his clunking fists over what is still a delicate and unstable situation."

So anyway the opening question of the debate was on Libya. Clearly annoyed by the prior warning Romney quickly shifted the subject onto Al Qaeda's advance into northern Mali (roughly the same size as France). However Romney was clearly so upset he kept pronouncing "Mali" as if it sounded like "Mollie" - a line from Rihanna's current hit "Diamonds."  "Mollie" is of course a coded reference to drugs however as always with coded references in the USA 'Mollie' is a completely different drug (marijuana) to what it is in the EU (MDMA). If you want further clarity I would like to refer you to Rihanna but sadly she doesn't even write her own stuff. The purpose of Romney's mis-pronunciation was of course to provoke a reaction out of Obama. However Obama was too cool to rise to the bait and instead went into a lenghty monologue about how he'd killed Osama bin Laden. I know this sounds like a cheap trick but with last years war in Libya still very much going on (I believe I said something about Bani Walid not being properly captured - I'll need to check my notes) the last thing you'd want is the US President going to the mat on live, international TV about what exactly is wrong with Libya. So I'm scoring that to Obama. Romney didn't do that badly though because it was at about this point the French (Ok possibly not all of them) panicked and announced they're sending Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAV/'drones') to west Africa in protest about Britain's recent purchase of a whole squadron of unarmed (Predator?!) drones which they'll be operating out of somewhere in the British countryside.

Yep one paragraph at a time at the moment. 23:20 on 23/10/12.

Edited at around 23:50 on 23/10/12 to add:

Both of the Mollies, none of the Moonshine but apparently I'm back and that's the important thing.

Following the exchange about Libya the conversation moved onto Syria and Lebanon specifically last Friday's (19/10/12) car bombing. Romney responded to this by generally shouting words like; "INTELLIGENCE SOURCES!" "ASSAD, HEZBOLLAH" [not] "THE SAME THING!" and "ISRAEL!" Obama more or less kept his cool. Really this showed the difference between getting daily intelligence briefings and not getting daily intelligence briefings. Of course the fact that while my Twitter wife was doing a Testino photoshoot with Kate Moss I was being forced to re-enact (in front of the UNGA) that time in 2006 I turned up at the Syria's London  Embassy and starting bossing Hezbollah about does show the difference between receiving daily intelligence briefings and being able to read and understand daily intelligence breifings. So again I'm scoring that to Obama. Sensibly both candidates then started talking about US domestic policy.

Eventually Obama rather skillfully turned this conversation about the US' role in the world (rebuild it's economy apparently) to a discussion about Romney's economic plan (increase the debt by USD 5 trillion) and the Republicans in Congress' plan to drive the USA off a fiscal cliff. Again this made Romney angry so he gave a full two minutes on the size of the Navy. For those of you who do not know for reasons that are not eaxctly clear Rihanna's fans are apparently known as "The Navy" so this was another attempt to provoke a reaction out of Obama. Again Obama was too cool for that and instead pointed out that while the US Navy has fewer ships then it had in 1917 it also has fewer horses and bayonets however I think he weakened his position somewhat by then going on to talk about "ships that sail underwater, er submarines?!" and I don't think the claim about bayonets is strictly speaking true. So while I think Obama 'zinger' was clearly pre-scripted Romney walked straight into the trap and in doing so proved he will be a major f*cking liability in foreign policy because setting traps for each other is a major part of what is euphemistically known as 'international diplomacy.'

Then Romney accused Obama of being the worst 'actor' got slapped down by the moderator and eventually apologised for wasting the President's time by threatening to label China as a currency manipulator. So while this debate didn't contain any stand out moments like Romney's "Binders full of women" or that moment in the second debate where both Obama and the (slightly biased) moderator both noticeably backed off Romney because they thought he was about to burst into tears I think it was a good performance all round. Now I'm going to be off trying to find a way to convince the Chinese they should hold more leadership debates.

As for the Twitter wife apparently she's taking £5million (USD 8million) off the guys (Westfield) who are giving Whitgift (Jimmy Savile) £1bn (USD 1.6 billion) so she can turn on Stratford's Christmas lights slap bang in the middle of the COP18/CMP8 while all I'll get is a very interesting conversation with a psychiatrist. So sadly I don't think I can afford a divorce. After all in the music business all a million dollar contract only normally means is you'll get a million and two people to help you spend it.

00:40 on 24/10/12.