Wednesday 3 October 2012

April Jones: Still Missing.

Police in Wales have been given a further 12 hours to question Mark Bridger over the disappearance of 5 year old April Jones. Unfortunately though they have so far failed to locate the missing girl. Although I suspect the police will be given the full 96 hours to question the suspect this creates a serious problem because as of Saturday (6/10/12) afternoon the police will either have to charge or release Bridger and even if they do have the evidence to charge him they will not be able to question him further. With a British Court now blocking the extradition of terrorism suspect Abu Hamza to the USA the April Jones case fits in perfectly to the debate about the pre-charge detention of terrorism suspects because the police's inability to question terrorism suspects after charge has been one of the main arguments for allowing terrorism suspects to be detained without charge for up to 42 days. This type of pre-charge detention goes against a long standing legal principle known as Habeas Corpus which in Latin literally means "Have the Body" which sadly seems to sum up the April Jones investigation perfectly.

Also NATO is holding a emergency top-level meeting after mortars were fired from Syria into Turkey killing five and prompting Turkey to return fire into Syria. Of course NATO must be aware of the possibility that the Saudi and Qatari Irregular Army (SQIA) fired the mortars into Turkey in order to provoke NATO military intervention in Syria under the guise of NATO's article 5 commitments. Pretty much exactly the same thing happened when Turkey flew one of it's aircraft into Syria airspace to provoke it to be shot down.

22:00 on 3/10/12.

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