Monday 15 October 2012

That's Right I'm Acclimatizing

So in a little over 26 hours I should be able to give you my sleep deprived, post-football and extremely post-pub review of the second US Presidential debate. This debate will be much more difficult for the incumbent Barak Obama. In the one hand he needs to appear more assertive then he did in the first debate but rather then the straight head-to-head format in that debate this second one will take the form of a town hall style event with members of the public asking questions. As a result if either of the candidates take too tough a line it could well end up looking like they're attacking ordinary voters rather then each other. Also this second debate will cover a mixture of both domestic and foreign policy. This latter area puts the incumbent at a disadvantage because while the challenger can say whatever sounds popular the actual President has to be much more measured and cautious about what he says and how much detail he reveals because the world - especially the middle east - is very volatile at the moment and because we now live in such an interconnected world all those competing interests will be watching live to see what the President has to say.

Oh and I'm seriously considering playing an "Erm" drinking game which on the basis of last time could get messy.

01:00 on 16/10/12.

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