Thursday 18 October 2012

Well Stopping Was Clearly a Mistake.

As you may have noticed I took yesterday off to sort of re-set my sleep patterns after watching the second US Presidential debate. This was clearly a mistake because all it meant was all the little bits of tiredness I've been building up suddenly caught up with me meaning that even by my own standards I've been spectacularly useless today. Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow but unfortunately I'm normally use Friday's to do domestic things so it looks like it will be the third Presidential debate before I get anything even vaguely resembling work done.

Of course matters aren't being made any easier by the fact I still can't get this new Blogger interface to work on my phone. It's getting so annoying that I'm tempted to send actual feedback to them about the issue but then again maybe not.

19:25 on 18/10/12.

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