Tuesday 9 October 2012

Pseudomonas Has Returned.

You remember Pseudomonas - nasty little bacteria the kills assumed names. Apparently it also plays an important role in turning clouds into rain. It first hit the UK headlines in December 2011 when some babies were inexplicably infected with it in two hospital's in Northern Ireland. Well today (9/10/12) it's emerged that another baby died following an outbreak in Bristol in August 2012 - right in the middle of the Olympics. Personally I think that the news was released today to make it look like the Crown is putting pressure on the Conservative Party Conference to accept that "Won't someone think of the children!" is the worst possible argument against taking co-ordinated global action against climate change/global.

In other news I have returned from the pub to be disappointed by the news I don't have a burglar to batter. Even more depressingly it seems that somewhere during the para-Olympics I hit my annual word limit. Therefore the pictograms will continue because I think it's a wholly inappropriate time to tell the story of a mental patient I used to know who used his manic phases to memorise the Torah, the Bible and the Qu'ran. As a result he could sneak up behind whatever conversation you were having and just drop in an eerily accurate religious quote. I think the official diagnosis was paranoid schizophrenia but even within the confines of a mental institution everyone thought he was a bit odd.

19:20n on 9/10/12.

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