Sunday 7 October 2012

The Benghazi Consulate Attack.

You remember ages ago (11/9/12) a commando style assault was mounted on the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya killing the US Ambassador J Christopher Stevens and three others. The following day the confusion was used to get the questionable Mustafa Abushagur elected as Libyan Prime Minister. Then ten days later the people of Benghazi decided that they'd had enough of the group who carried out the attack and kicked Ansar al-Sahria out of the city and everyone thought the matter was closed.

It turns out not though because the US the Republican Party have been putting huge pressure on the US Security Services to release all the details of who knew what and when about the attack. I think that is a very bad idea because there are more then seven shades of complicated in that story including the fact that Blue Mountain the Private Security Military Contractors (PSMC) who were providing security to the US Consulate at the time of the attack are not only British but based in Carmarthen, South Wales. So I would go so far to say that by continuing to push the issue the Republicans are undermining US national security in order to gain an election advantage. I fact I'm having a drink later so I might go even further then that.

13:35 on 7/10/12

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