Tuesday 19 June 2012

So Do We Reckon the Police Helicopter...

... has managed to use it's thermal imaging camera to work out the local foxes "patterns of life?" I only ask because with maximum chutzpah the Israelis this past week launched an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (drone) that can autonomously launch a Hellfire missile attack on a terrorist camp based only on it's CPU's calculation. Unfortunately though that only brings us back to Tony Nicklinson.

So at around 16:00 local on 19/6/12 at the G20 I basically have two choices; I can either stay up, watch a movie and wait for it to break up or I can go to bed and wake up a few hours after it's broken up. Either way I'm not seeing myself doing a huge amount of work tomorrow.

Oh and Julian Assange did make it to the Ecuador Embassy in London. I believe they are still considering his application.

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