Friday 22 June 2012

Seriously Just Five More Minutes.

At around 21:50 on 22/6/12 I've still not gone to bed. Mainly this is because I wanted to watch tonight's episode of Channel4 topical comedy panel show "8 Out of 10 Cats." That's because if you've been reading the papers you would know that one of the biggest news topics in Britain this week has been "8 Out of 10 Cats" host Jimmy Carr's tax affairs.

Apart from causing the obvious tension across the entire industry and providing a way for Britain to demonstrate that in light of UKUncut protests they treat all incidents of tax avoidance equally I think that along with the proceeding program"the Million Pound Drop Live" this was a deliberate attempt to put people off the football or at least start a million start a million and one arguments about the remote control.

As for the show itself it was hardly worth watching because rather then just going for Mr Carr the panels took bit on him and turned it into a not very well informed topical discussion show.

Anyway at around 22:00 I definately going to bed or at least turning off the PC.

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