Tuesday 19 June 2012

Oooh I've Got a Lovely Joint On.

Brisket with all the trimmings.

So while I'm waiting for my potatoes to boil ( At around 17:15 on 19/6/12)I suppose I should at least mention the Tony Nicklinson case. If you're not familiar with the name consider yourself lucky it's just Britain trying to cause chaos and confusion at the G20. It's got very little to do with me or my grandmother. Instead it's about Britain's plans to further legislate against the Internet/twitter in the name of cracking down on defamation/trolls and Obama's controversial drone program. The latter is something I also object to but probably for very different reasons.

As for the football while I was at the supermarket I also brought some ball shaped dog toys for the foxes. So I'm either going to turn that into the greatest halftime talk in the history of halftime talks or decide it's all to much of a muchness and go sit in the garden. After all metaphysics and existentialism - that always helps(!)

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