Tuesday 19 June 2012

I'm Still on G20 Time.

Basically this involves keeping quiet and offline while the G20 Summit is in session in Los Cabos, Mexico (GMT-7). This is quite annoying because I would like to be getting on with the constitutional declaration that was issued by Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces on Sunday (17/6/12).

Although I have now obtained a hard copy of the declaration it is one of those things that requires careful reading and even more careful consideration. However based on the first reading it is nowhere near as dramatic as the Muslim Brotherhood would have you believe;

  • Article 30 simply puts in place a procedure to allow a President to be sworn into office without a sitting Parliament.
  • Article 53 simply puts in the separation between the military and the President that exists in most democratic countries to prevent the President using the military to attack anti-President demonstrations like Mubarak did.
  • Article 56B gives the military the ability to run the country until a new constitution is written.
  • Article 60B gives the military the power to intervene and appoint a panel to write that new constitution something that Parliament has repeatedly and collectively failed to do over the past six months.
I'm actually a bit surprised that the military didn't do all this sooner because it would have made Egypt's transition from dictatorship to democracy much smoother, simpler and quicker.

In other news I'm going food shopping this afternoon and in a change of routine my father and I won't be going to the pub this Tuesday (19/6/12) evening. It would be nice to pretend that this was because of the G20 Summit but it's not. It's because of the Ukraine V England Euro2012 game which I may or may not watch. However it's just a little under 9 hours until kick-off and already I'm starting to err towards may not.

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