Tuesday 19 June 2012

Ding! Dong! Avon Calling.

There I was deciding what to do for the England game (at around 18:50 on 19/6/12) when all of a sudden and Indian woman in a headscarf appeared with two primary school (4-11 aged) children in my grandmother's front garden. Now this could have been;

  • Just an Avon Lady or;
  • Relatives of the Pakistani family that are currently in the process of purchasing #52 checking the bounds or;
  • Relatives of the local corner shop whose son has recently started selling beer but they're really not sure or;
  • A highly elaborate Indian intelligence operation to force me to grass up Pakistan by expanding on the old Obama drone program. In which case be patient.
Either way it knocked me right off balance so I rolled upstairs while trying to write all this on my Blackberry. However because Google are deeply regretting their insistence that their new Blogger interface only works with Android smart-phones I'm sitting here at a proper PC frantically trying to write this up while avoiding football until I can get outside and spark up.

So at around 19:10 on 19/6/12 do we think we've finished off the EDL yet because I'm pretty sure I could have come up with the foxy half-time talk and maybe I still will if my phone works and you know I don't just pass out on the floor.

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