Wednesday 20 June 2012

Good Morning.

At around 10:30 on Wednesday June 20th 2012: (20/6/12) I'm up and awake at pretty much the normal time I'm up and awake on a Wednesday. As far as I can tell there has been no decisive change in the either cases of Hosni Mubarak or Wikileaks founder Julian Assange however the British police have stated that if Assange is refused asylum in Ecuador he will be arrested for breaching his bail conditions.

I will though try and do some research and write both of this incidents up properly. However I have to say with the issuing of Sunday (17/6/12) night's Constitutional declaration and the certified and verified results of the Presidential run-off vote expected tomorrow (21/6/12) I'm not sure how Mubarak's health is of any major significance to Egypt's future.

Before that though I really should write up the goal-line technology argument from last night's Euro2012 fixtures. Today's bank siege in Toulouse makes me think that's actually very important to a lot of people.

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